duly registered voters belonging to or acting with such parties,
respectively, in Baltimore City, or any precinct, ward, council-
manic, congressional, judicial or legislative district thereof, or
in any county or district or precinqt thereof, or in any con-
gressional or judicial district, as the case, with respect to any
public office or place or position aforesaid, may be; and that
no candidate for such public office, delegate to such convention,
party executive or executive committee, or managing body of
any such political party, as aforesaid, in and for Baltimore
City or the several counties of the State, shall be chosen or
elected by any such political convention or otherwise than by
the duly registered voters belonging to or acting with said polit-
ical parties, as aforesaid.
It shall be lawful for all such parties aforesaid to elect and
hold such party conventions which shall have full power and
authority, in all respects whatsoever, to act in respect to all
matters appertaining to the organization, maintenance, con-
duct, affairs and interests of the party, in Baltimore City or
in any county of the State saving and excepting only the choice,
selection, nomination or appointment of party candidates for
such public office, delegates to such conventions, or party execu-
tives or managing bodies or executive committees, of any sort
whatever, in and for Baltimore City and the several counties
and Congressional and Judicial Districts of the State.
Provided, that the candidates of such political parties for
Governor, Attorney-General, Comptroller and Clerk of the
Court of Appeals of the State shall be nominated in the man-
ner prescribed in this Article by State conventions, and such
State conventions elected by the direct vote in the same man-
ner as the State conventions for the nomination of candidates
for State offices, shall also select, in such manner as they may
determine, delegates to national conventions and presidential
electors and the governing bodies of such political parties for
the State, but shall have no power to select or appoint com-
mittee or governing bodies of any character for Baltimore City
nor for any division thereof nor for the counties of the State.
160s. Said primary elections by the political parties afore-
said shall be annually held throughout this State, including
Baltimore City, on a day to be fixed by an agreement between
the governing bodies of said parties for the State not earlier
than the eighth day of September nor later than the fifteenth
day of September of and in each and every year, except in
those years in which there shall be an election of a President
and Vice-President of the United States in which said presiden-
tial years the said primaries, including primaries for nomi-