nating candidates for Congress and all candidates to be elected
at the presidential elections, other than delegates to national
conventions and presidential electors shall be held on the first
Monday in May. All such political parties, as aforesaid, shall
hold their several primaries on the same day. In case such
governing bodies for the State fail to agree on a date within
the period fixed aforesaid, that is to say, not earlier than the
eighth nor later than the fifteenth of September of each and
every year, except the presidential years, said primary election
shall be held on the second Monday of September in any year.
Notices shall be given of the times and places of holding said
primary elections by the several Boards of Supervisors of Elec-
tions in the City of Baltimore and of the counties of this State,
respectively, in the same way precisely as notice is required to
be given for a municipal and county election held under the
provisions of Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws.
160E. As many different sets of official ballots shall be
printed and supplied by the Board of Supervisors of Election
at each polling place, and as many ballot boxes shall be used
at each polling place as there are separate party nominations,
delegates, executives, or managing or executive bodies, to be
voted for; and to prevent voters belonging to or acting with one
political party from inadvertently or intentionally casting their
ballot for the candidate for nomination for office, or election
as delegates to any convention or as executive or members of
an executive or managing committee, of any other party, and
to facilitate its being promptly detected if so cast, the ballots of
the sevenal parties shall be printed upon opaque paper of dif-
ferent colors, to be determined by the several Boards of Super-
visors of Elections; and until after the next general registration
in the counties, every person offering to vote at a primary elec-
tion shall be required to state to which party he belongs and
which party's candidate he intends to vote for at the State,
city or county election, and every qualified person offering to
vote in the several counties in the State at a primary election
shall be permitted to vote in the primary election of that party
to which he belongs and which party 'candidates he intends to
vote for at the State or county election and in Baltimore City
and in the counties after the next general registration in the
counties, every qualified person offering to vote at a primary
election shall be permitted to vote in the primary election of
that party only with which he shall appear upon the books of
registration to be affiliated. The respective Boards of Super-
visors of Election in the several counties are hereby authorized
and required, immediately upon the passage of this act, to