of North Beach that proportion of the total amount levied for
the repair of roads in said county which the total amount of
property assessed within said town bears to the total amount
of property assessed in said county, according to the tax books
of said county.
SEC. 32. And be it enacted, That the Council shall have the
same power as the State Board of Health of this' State,
restricted, however, to the limits set forth in section 2 of this
SEC. 33. And be it enacted, That the Council shall have
power to pass ordinances to prevent and abate nuisances, to
regulate sanitation, to preserve health, morals, peace and good'
order, and generally to provide for the regulations, good gov-
ernment, maintenance and improvement of said town, and may
enforce its ordinances under such penalties, fines and for-
feitures as it may deem proper; provided, the manufacture or
sale of spirituous and malt liquors is hereby prohibited within
the corporate limits of said town, and for a distance of 1,000
feet beyond boundaries thereof.
SEC. 34. And be it enacted, That the Council shall have
power to take by ordinance any ground deemed to be necessary
for the laying out of any new street or alley, paying the owner
just compensation therefor, and to assess damages and benefits
against the real estate damaged or benefited by the laying out
of such new streets or alleys or the improvement or alteration
of existing streets, pavements and gutters.
SEC. 35. And be it enacted, That all fines, penalties and
forfeitures imposed by this charter or by any ordinance of the
Council may be collected in the name of North Beach before
the Mayor or before any justice of the peace of Calvert county,
and the delinquent may be committed to the town j ail until the
same is paid with costs.
SEC. 36. And be it enacted, That the Council, acting through
the Mayor, shall have the power at any time to suspend, remit
or release the said fines, penalties or forfeitures and costs, or
any part thereof at discretion.
SEC. 37. And be it enacted, That the Council may provide
by ordinance for immediate arrest without warrant of any per-
son violating any ordinance, when in the judgment of the Mayor
or police officers of the town, the delay necessary to the issue of
a warrant would be dangerous to the peace, quiet or good order
of the town.
SEC. 38. And be it enacted, That any party subject to a
fine, penalty or forfeiture by virtue of any of the provisions of