more and Annapolis Electric Railway Company, which said
t railroad and certain other property and assets were sold
jj under foreclosure proceedings, instituted in the Circuit Court
?, of the United States for the District of Maryland, and in
w respect to the real and personal'property appertaining to the
'' same, which were possessed or enjoyed by said Washington,
Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Kailway Company pre-
vious to said foreclosure sale under or by virtue of its char-
, ter, and any amendments thereto, and of the laws of this
f State, or the laws of any other State in which any part of
'I such railroad may have been situated, not inconsistent with
I the laws of this State, were sold, assigned and transferred, or
I* intended to be sold, assigned and transferred to the Wash-
' ington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railroad Com-
pany, formerly Baltimore Terminal Company, by the Anne
Arundel Electric Railroad Company, a corporation formed
by the assign of the purchaser at the said foreclosure sale,
and the associates of said assign, and the agreement for said
sale, assignment and transfer was duly submitted to the stock-
holders of each corporation, and was sanctioned by the hold-
ers of two-thirds of the stock of each corporation, and was
filed in the office of the Secretary of State; and,
WHEREAS, The Public Service Commission of Maryland did
by its order, passed on March 31, 1911, give its permission
and approval to the said Washington, Baltimore and Ann-
apolis Electric Railroad Company to exercise all the powers,
rights, immunities, privileges and franchises under the rail-
road law and any other law formerly exercised, or legally
exercisable by the said Washington, Baltimore and Ann-
apolis Electric Railway Company and by the said Washing-
ton, Baltimore ana* Annapolis Railroad Company under its
amended charter, and also to the conveyance and assignment
to the said Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad
Company of the railroad, property (excepting certain shares
of stock, powers, rights, immunities, privileges and fran-
chises sold under the foreclosure proceedings hereinbefore
mentioned), and also to the capitalization of the said Wash-
ington, Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad Company, con-