636 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 455]
not exceeding fifty dollars in any case, as to them may appear
right, and in default of the payment of any fines imposed they
may provide for the imprisonment of the offenders for a period
not exceeding twenty days, or until the fine is paid, and instead
of the aforesaid penalties it shall be lawful, in case of convic-
tion of any person for vagrancy, to sentence such person to hard
labor on the streets of said town for a period not exceeding ten
SEC. 289B. They may also provide by ordinance for the
construction of sewers, grading and lighting the streets, lanes
and alleys of said town, and also for supplying the inhabitants
of said town with water and regulate the placing of water
mains, water plugs and public fountains; for the planting of
poles and stringing of wires thereon in any of the streets, lanes
and alleys thereof, and to make and enter into contracts and
pass ordinances in relation thereto.
SEC. 290. They may provide by ordinance for the immedi-
ate arrest without warrant of any person violating any town
ordinance by riotous or disorderly conduct or driving or riding
through the streets, when, in the judgment of the president or
any of the commissioners or the bailiff of the town, the delay
necessary to the issuing of a warrant will be dangerous to the
peace and quiet of the said town, or the lives, limbs or prop-
erty of the citizens, and when it shall appear that the offender
is intoxicated so as to render it unsafe to permit him to drive
through the streets they shall provide for the removal of the
horse and vehicle or vehicles without the limits of the said vil-
lage, or for the deposit thereof in some place of safety until
the offender shall be sober, and may subject the property so
taken and deposited to the payment of the costs of the proceed-
ings and of the keep of said property until the same shall be
released according to law.
SEC. 297. The president and commissioners shall have
power to levy and collect taxes in said town not exceeding in
any one year fifty cents on the hundred dollars on the assessable
property in said town, and once in every five years, or oftener
if they think proper, they shall assess and value the property
in said town in the same manner and with like authority as
county assessors; providing, that in assessing any of the lands
within the town which may be occupied as farms or may be
part of farms, such lands shall be valued and assessed at its
market value as lots of four acres of ground, with the buildings
and improvements thereon, and shall not be valued and assessed
by the number of acres therein.