618 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 441]
SEC. 3. There shall be appointed by the Governor of the
said State of Maryland four directors, two of whom shall serve
for the term of two years, and two of whom shall serve for the
term of four years or until their successors are appointed, which
successor shall serve for a period of four years from the time
of their appointment, or until their successors are appointed,
which said four directors, to be appointed as aforesaid, shall
appoint three other directors every two years, to serve for the
term of two years, or until their successors are appointed, and
the said seven directors, after taking oath before the clerk of
the Circuit Court for Allegany County to administer the affairs
of the said hospital truly, justly and to the best of their ability,
shall be known as the Board of Directors of the Miner's Hos-
SEC. 4. The board of directors of the Miner's Hospital
shall have the power to hold title to such lands as may be neces-
sary for the purpose of erecting and maintaining the Miner's
Hospital upon the same, and shall be empowered to receive
bequests and devises subject to the General Laws of the State
of Maryland, for the purpose of operating and maintaining
said hospital in Frostburg.
SEC. 5. The said board of directors of the Miner's Hospital
shall have the power and authority to employ competent persons
to draw plans, to build and furnish said hospital, to employ and
discharge such agents and servants as they shall deem neces-
sary in the maintaining and operating of said Miner's Hos-
pital, and to pass such rules and regulations as they see fit for
the receiving and discharging of patients, and the amount to be
charged for the care of the same, and the operation and gov-
ernment of said hospital.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That the sum of $5,000.00
shall be paid by the Treasurer of the State of Maryland out
of such funds as may be available, in quarterly instalments,,
from the time that the said hospital shall be opened for the
reception of patients, provided such time shall be before Janu-
ary 1, 1914, for the maintenance of said hospital until the next
Session of the General Assembly of Maryland.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the Governor shall appoint the
four directors, heretofore provided for, if in recess of the legis-
lature, until such time as another legislature shall meet, when
new appointments shall be made by and with the consent of
the Senate of the State of Maryland.