amount of full-paid capital stock with which said corporation
shall commence business shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000).
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That the trustees of, or executive
committee of said corporation shall have full power and author-
ity to authorize the issuance of improvement certificates, or
other obligations, which shall be secured by and become a first
lien on the income or any or all of the real or personal prop-
erty of said corporation for improvement and embellishment
and expenses of said cemetery in such manner and on such
conditions as shall be specified therein.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That said corporation shall have the
power to purchase, receive, hold, transfer and use in fee simple,
in trust or otherwise, any shares, mortgages, leases, bonds, con-
tracts, securities issued by this or other corporation, firms or
individuals, or other personal property and real estate or any
interest therein; and shall have the power to sell, mortgage,
lease, deal with and dispose of as principal or agent any shares,
mortgages, leases, bonds, contracts and securities issued by this
or other corporations, firms or individuals or other personal
property and real estate or any interest therein.
SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That the private property of the
stockholders shall not be subject to the payment of the corporate
debts to any extent whatever, except to the extent of the par
value of the unpaid subscriptions of its capital stock.
SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That the said corporation shall have
full power and authority to purchase, receive, hold, use and
employ real estate for cemetery purposes in accordance with
the laws of the State of Maryland, and to pay therefor all cash,
or part cash and remainder mortgage secured by land so pur-
chased, or to pay therefor a specified share of the selling price
of said real estate so purchased which specified share shall
not exceed one-half of the gross proceeds received by said
corporation from the sale of such real estate for cemetery
purposes or otherwise; such one-half share shall be applied
to the payment of said real estate at the time when said real
estate is sold and the remainder thereof shall be applied to the
preservation, improvement, embellishment of said cemetery and
incidental expenses.
SEC. 10. Be it enacted, That the trustees of said corpora-
tion shall have full power and authority to authorize the sale
and disposition of lots or the use thereof in said cemetery for
burial purposes only, in accordance herewith and to receive in
payment therefor all cash or part cash and the remainder in