School Commissioners of said county to remedy the evils
which exist; and,
WHEREAS, The condition cannot be properly remedied except by
the purchase or condemnation of a new site or sites for
schools, and the erection of an additional building and the
repair and improvement of existing buildings for the use of
said schools; and,
WHEREAS, The relief afforded by the provisions of Chapter 125
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1910,
has proved inadequate; and,
WHEREAS, The conditions at the public schools in the Town of
Brunswick, in said county by reason of their utter inad-
equacy to accommodate the number of school children in said
town, necessitated the rental of rooms wholly unsuited for
school purposes, to the detriment of scholars and teachers,
and at a great expense to the county, and demanded immedi-
ate action on the part of the Board of County School Com-
missioners of said county, and said board has contracted for
the erection of a new school building in said town, but to
pay for the same out of the current revenues will consume
the annual levy for new buildings for several years, and
deprive the balance of the county of any benefit from said
fund for that length of time, and if the same is then expended
in remedying the very pressing and deplorable condition in
Frederick City (to do which will consume said fund for a
number of additional years), not only will deplorable condi-
tions at the schools in Frederick, which call for immediate
action, have to continue for some years longer, but the other
portions of Frederick county will be deprived for an addi-
tional number of years of any benefit from the annual levy
for new school buildings, and for additions to old school
houses in said county.
Now, THEREFORE, In order to meet the pressing needs and
relieve the annual "Building Fund" so that it will not be
consumed for years to come in meeting the present pressing
needs in Brunswick and Frederick City,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Frederick County, in