AN ACT to amend Chapter 459 of the Law s of Maryland of
1898, entitled "An Act to establish the Fifth Regiment
Armory, and designate how the appropriation provided there-
for shall be used," so as to make the lieutenant colonel of
the Fifth Regiment Infantry, Maryland National Guard, a
member of the board of trustees of the Fifth Regiment
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section, 2 of Chapter 459 of the Laws of Maryland
of 1898, entitled "An Act to establish the Fifth Eegiment
Armory and designate how the appropriation provided therefor
shall be used," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
so as to read as follows:
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said board of trustees
shall consist of the Governor, Comptroller of the Treasury,
Treasurer, the Attorney-General, Adjutant-General, Colonel,
Lieutenant Colonel, and three Majors of the Fifth Regiment
of Infantry, Maryland National Guard, and three citizens to
be appointed by the Governor, which latter shall serve for a
term of four years; the board so created shall constitute a
body corporate under the title of the "Board of Trustees of
the Fifth Regiment Armory," and shall have power to make
such by-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law,
as they may deem necessary for the proper use and protection
of said armory, and by their corporate name shall have power
to institute any suit or suits for any sum or sums of money
due the said board, or for any injury done to the property
or effects of the said armory, or for the breach of any contract
made with the said trustees in their official capacity, or upon
the bond of any architect, contractor, builder or other person,
given for the faithful performance of work or other services
in or about the construction, equipment, maintenance or repair
of said armory, and to prosecute such suits to judgment and
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.