432 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 221]
to the Southern Settlement and Development Organization, to
be expended by direction of the executive committee of said
Southern Settlement and Development Organization in the fur-
therance of the following purposes and objects of said corpora-
tion, viz: The establishment of the principal office of the organ-
ization in the City of Baltimore, Maryland, with branches
thereof in other cities; to direct public attention, both in this
and 'other countries to the resources and possibilities of Mary-
land and other Southern States and more especially to the
immense area of unimproved land therein; to attract into the
State of Maryland and other Southern States capitalists, inves-
tors and desirable immigrants, and more especially, experienced
farmers and agricultural laborers to secure from the United
States Government proper port facilities at Baltimore and the
South Atlantic Gulf ports for the handling of foreign immi-
gration, to encourage by every practical means the establish-
ing in the State of Maryland and other Southern States of
bureaus of agriculture for the purpose of disseminating reliable
information regarding the resources and possibilities of said
States; to establish and maintain so far as practicable a co-oper-
ation between the United States Government, the Governments
of the State of Maryland and other Southern States, the rail-
road and transportation companies, commercial bodies, real
estate men and the members of said Southern Settlement and
Development Organization in placing Maryland and the South-
ern country properly before the people of the world, and the
Comptroller of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to issue his warrant upon the Treasury for such amount
payable to the treasurer of the said Southern Settlement and
Development Organization on or before the thirteenth day of Sep-
tember, 1913; and a further sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,-
000.00) to be expended in the same manner and for the same
purposes for which the Comptroller of the Treasury be and he
is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the
Treasury payable to the treasurer of said Southern Settlement
and Development Organization on or before the 30th day of
September, 1914.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the years 1912
and 1913, and for any years thereafter for which money shall
be appropriated by the State of Maryland for the use of the
said corporation, the appropriations so made shall be condi-
tioned upon the permanent maintenance of said central office
in the City of Baltimore, and upon the raising by said organiza-
tion through public appropriations by other States or through
private subscriptions of an amount in the years 1912 and 1913