73F. The County Road Engineer shall appoint not less
than one supervisor in every election precinct of Harford county
(except in the first and second precincts of the Sixth Election
District), who shall be paid such wages or salary as the County
Commissioners may prescribe, and it shall be the duty of said
precinct road supervisors to take charge of and manage the
work on the public roads and bridges in the precinct for which
he is appointed, subject to the control and direction of the
County Road Engineer, and he shall perform such other duty
as the County Road Engineer may prescribe, and may be
removed at any time, by the County Road Engineer.
73G. Any person appointed under the provisions of this act,
whose duty it shall be to keep accounts or make reports, who
shall fail to do so, or shall wilfully make false reports, or
accounts, shall be liable to indictment by the grand jury of
Harford county; and if convicted, in the Circuit Court thereof,
shall be fined a sum in the discretion of the Court, not exceed-
ing $300.00, and shall make good the loss arising from such
neglect of duty, or frand.
73H. It shall not be lawful for the County Commissioners
to open any new public road in Harford county until they shall
have such proposed road surveyed and platted by the County
Road Engineer, and an estimate in writing made by him of the
cost of building such proposed road, including necessary bridges
on the same, and any such new public road which the County
Commissioners may hereafter decide to open, shall be built
under the control and direction of the County Road Engineer,
and shall not be accepted and paid for by the County Com-
missioners until the County Road Engineer has certified to said
commissioners that the said road has been built according to
the contract and specifications, signed by the contractor, if such
road is built by contract.
73I. That the County Commissioners of Harford County
shall have the power to make such rules and regulations as in
their judgment may be necessary for the purpose of regulating
the travel of heavy teams and engines on the public roads dur-
ing such times that heavy travel is apt to seriously damage
the said public roads; and that they shall have the power to
appoint such agents as may be necessary to enforce said rules
and regulations.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the provisions of this act shall be submitted to the qual-
ified voters of Harford county at the election to be held on
the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in the
year 1912, for the approval or rejection of said voters; and in