230 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 110]
177Y. Nothing in sections 177v and lY7x, inclusive, shall
be construed as affecting any private rights or the right of
adjacent landholder as now held and enjoyed by law.
177Z. All monies received by the County Commissioners of
Montgomery County under the provisions of sections 177V and
1Y7W of this sub-title shall be applied to the general road
account of the county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1912.
AN ACT to provide for a State subscription to Alexander's Brit-
ish Statutes, in force in Maryland, provided for the distribu-
tion thereof and an appropriation for the subscription;
WHEREAS, A new annotated edition of Alexander's British Stat-
utes in force in Maryland, is now in press and will be ready
in March, 1912; and,
WHEREAS, This important work will be required by all the
Courts and judges and clerks of the Courts, as many import-
ant changes and over two thousand decisions of the Court of
Appeals have been decided since the State subscription to
the first edition 42 years ago; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the State librarian be, and is nereby, authorized and
directed to subscribe in the name of the State for three hun-
dred (300) sets of the Second Edition of Alexander's British
Statutes, in force in Maryland, annotated by Ward Baldwin
Coe, of the Baltimore Bar, published in two volumes, bound in
Buckram, at fifteen dollars ($15.00) per set and upon the
delivery to the State Library, the librarian shall issue a certifi-
cate of the receipt thereof, and upon the presentation of such
certificate and a certificate of approval by the Attorney General
of the State, the Comptroller of the Treasury is hereby directed
to issue his warrant for the sum of forty-five hundred dollars
($4,500.00) to the order of the publisher of said edition.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the State Librarian shall
distribute these sets in the same way as the current volumes
of the Maryland Reports; provided, however, that not less than