Brought forward ......
$340,121 43
Emergency Hospital Association of Annapolis. .................
Chaps. 409 of 1910.. ................
20,000 00
Executive Mansion, Support of ..........
120 of 1908..................
4,452 05
Emergency Hospital of Easton. ................................
409 of 1910 ...........
5,000 00
Frederick City Hospital Association ......
255 of
1908 and 409 of 1910.
9,000 00
Franklin Square Hospital of Baltimore City ....................
409 of 1910.................
7,000 00
F. Knapp's English and German Institute. ..............
1,200 00
Farmers' Institutes . .
657 of 1904. .................
6,000 00
Florence Crittenton Home for Fallen Women. ..................
409 of 1910..................
1,000 00
Fifth Regiment Armory.. ......................................
253 of 1908 and 374 of 1910.
3,700 00
Fuel and Lights. . .
254 of 1908 and 436 of 1910.
5,719 17
Furnishing Land Office ..................................
172 of 1906 .................
400 00
General German Orphan Asylum, Baltimore ....................
255 of 1908 and 409 of 1910.
3,750 00
General German Aged People's Home ..........................
409 of 1910..................
1,500 00
General and Marine Hospital, Crisfield. Md. ....................
6,000 00
General Measurers and Inspectors of Oysters. ..................
380 of 1900 and 435 of 1910. .
15,093 00
Hebrew Orphan Asylum .......................................
409 of 1910..................
3,000 00
Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association. .....................
255 of 1908 and 409 of 1910. .
8,000 Qp
Hebrew Friendly Inn and Aged Home. .........................
409 of 1910..................
1,500 00
Home of the Friendless, Baltimore. ...........................
255 of 1908 and 409 of 1910. .
5,500 00
Home of the Incurables .......................................
409 of 1910..................
2,500 00
House of Correction. .........................................
253 and 254 of 1908. .........
4,484 91
House of Good Shepherd ....
409 of 1910.................
3,000 00
House of Reformation and Instruction for Colored Children .....
435 of 1910.................
10,000 00
Hospital for Women of Maryland ..............................
409 of 1910.................
7,500 00
Hospital for the Negro Insane .................................
435 of 1910.................
10,000 00
Home and Infirmary of Western Maryland at Cumberland ......
409 of 1910.................
7,500 00
Home of the Friendless Children of the Eastern Shore ..........
1.000 00
Home of the Aged of Talbot County ...........................
3,000 00
Hollywood Children's Summer Home ..........................
500 00