1654 LAWS OF MARYLAND. . [Ch. 536]
The two following Chapters were originally vetoed, but were
later reconsidered and signed by the Governor:
AN ACT to create and establish a new election district in
Wicomico county to be known as the fifteenth or Hebron
election district of Wicomico county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That there shall be and there is hereby created a new
election district in Wicomico county to be known as the fif-
teenth or Hebron election district of Wicomico county, and
to be formed of a portion of the territory that now forms the
first election district known as Barren Creek district, a portion
of the territory of the second or Quantico election district, a
portion of the territory of the ninth or Salisbury election dis-
trict and a portion of the territory of the eleventh or Delmar
election district of Wicomico county, and the polling place for
said new district number fifteen or Hebron shall be in the
town of Hebron.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the boundaries of
said new district shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning for the
outlines of the same at the southeast corner of the Whitefield
S. Lone farm, at the county road dividing the lands of the said
Lone from one Rounds; thence following said road to the
county road leading from G. Harvey Bradley's farm to Del-
mar, Delaware; thence across the lands of one R. J. Mills to
the Delaware State line at Black Water branch; thence a
westerly direction with the Delaware line and the mill pond
to Horn Town Mills, crossing dam at said mill, running east-
ward by and with old county road between the lands of David
Knowles and Ernest Bailey to State road; thence in a westerly
direction by and with said State road to the county road lead-
ing to A. W. Goslee's gate; thence following said road to the
Old Horsey Mill Pond or S. B. Langrell's store; thence in a
southeasterly direction with said county road to the county
road leading from Hebron to Quantico at the southwest corner
of the Trader farm; thence in a straight line in an easterly
direction across the lands of Geo. A. Bounds and Co., known
as the Wallace farm, to the bridge on the county road crossing
what is known as Davis' Pond; thence in a southerly or south-
easterly direction with said county road to the county running;
between the farm of Benjamin S. Pusey and the Vaughn
Gordy farm; thence by and with said road to the county road
from Rock-a-Walkin station to the Rock-a-Walkin Methodist