[Ch. 837]
same is to be repaid, the amount of money actually received
by the borrower as a result of said loan, and the cost to the
borrower, and a written memorandum of said items signed
by said petty loan broker shall be given to the borrower.
The violation of any provision of this section or the preced-
ing section shall be a misdemeanor on the part of the petty loan
broker; and if such broker be a corporation or a non-resident
of the State of Maryland then such violation shall be a misde-
meanor on the part of any person participating therein as a
representative or agent of said broker, and all such misde-
meanors, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine
of not more than $100 for the first offense, and for the second
and each subsequent offense by a fine of not more than $100
or imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both, in the
discretion of the Court. And every loan in connection with
which such violation shall have occurred shall be absoluately
null and void. And the borrower shall be entitled to recover
from the lender any and all sums paid or returned on account
of or in connection with such loan.
Approved April 11, 1912.
AN ACT to add a new article to the Code of Public General
Laws of the State of Maryland, under title "An Act to facili-
tate the insurance of employees against the consequence of
accidents resulting in personal injury or death, and to permit
agreements between employers and employees with reference
to such accidents.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall be lawful for any employer to make a con-
tract in writing with any employee whereby the parties may
agree that employee shall become insured against accident occur-
ring in the course of employment which results in personal
injury or death, in accordance with the provisions of this act,
and that in consideration of such insurance the employer shall
be relieved from the consequences of acts or omissions by reason
of which he would without such contract become liable toward
such employee or toward the legal representative, widow, wid-
ower, or next of kin of such employee.
SEC. 2. Such insurance shall be effected in some casualty
company organized under the laws of the State of Maryland or
admitted to do business in this State, provided that any em-