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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1460   View pdf image
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1460 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 790]

P. L. L. 1888, art. 16, sec. 149.

416. They, and all other officers of the corporation, before
entering upon the duties of their office, shall make oath that
they will diligently and faithfully, to the best of their skill
and judgment, perform the duties of their office, and shall
file a certificate thereof of the officer before whom the same
was made, among the records of the corporation.

Ibid. sec. 150.

417. The clerk and chief bailiff shall give bond to the com-
missioners, in such penalties and with such securities as said
commissioners may require, conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of the duties of their respective offices.

Ibid. sec. 151.

418. The commissioners shall receive all returns of elec-
tion, and determine all questions arising thereon; but any
person feeling himself aggrieved by such decision may appeal
therefrom to the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, which
court shall hear and determine such appeal, and decide who
shall pay the costs thereof.

Ibid. sec. 152.

419. They may pass such ordinances, not inconsistent with
law, as they may deem beneficial to the town; may open and
close streets, lanes and alleys; grade and pave the same; remove
nuisances and obstructions therefrom; restrain all disorders and
disturbances; prevent all congregations of disorderly persons in
public places; apprehend and fine all tramps and vagabonds;
impose a tax on dogs, geese, hogs and other animals running
at large in the streets, or totally prohibit the same, and may
impose fines, penalties and forfeitures, for the violation of
their ordinances, and commit all offenders to the county jail
until the same be paid with costs.

P. L. L. 1888, art. 16, sec. 153.

420. They may pass such ordinances as they may deem
necessary for the preservation of the health of the town, and
remove all nuisances from, or prohibit all such business within
the corporate limits thereof, as shall, in their opinion, inju-
riously affect the sanitary condition thereof.

1908, ch. 516, sec. 154.

421. They may, as often as they may deem advisable, cause
an assessment to be made of all the real and personal prop-
erty within said town, or the corporate limits thereof, by a
person to be appointed and paid by them, which assessment
shall not exceed the assessment of the same for county pur-


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1460   View pdf image
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