shall keep and disburse the same in the manner prescribed
by the council, and shall perform such other duties as the
council shall prescribe. The council may allow the town mar-
shal and deputy marshals, the health officer and his assistants,
and the clerk, such compensation as they may deem proper.
1898, ch. 78, sec. 9.
349. The Mayor shall have all the powers of a justice of
the peace in criminal cases where the town of Kensington is a
party, and shall receive the same fees allowed justices of the
peace in similar cases, and an appeal from his judgment when
the demand or fine exceeds five dollars, may be taken to the
Circuit Court for the county, which shall hear and determine
the matter as upon appeals from justices of the peace.
Ibid. sec. 10.
350. The town marshal and health officer shall attend the
meetings of the council and perform such duties as shall be
directed. The marshal shall preserve the peace and good
order of the town, and for this purpose he is invested with
the same power and authority as any constable under the
laws of this State.
Ibid. sec. 11.
351. The council and all other officers of the corporation
shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective
offices, take an oath that they will diligently and faithfully
discharge the duties of their offices without favor, partiality or
prejudice, and said oath shall be filed among the records of the
Ibid. sec.
352. The clerk and treasurer shall give bond to the council
in such penalties and with such sureties as the council may
require, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties
of his office.
Ibid. sec.
353. The council shall receive all returns of election and
determine all questions arising ther.eunder, but any person con-
sidering himself aggrieved by such decision may appeal there-
from to the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, which court
shall hear and determine such appeal and decide who shall pay
the costs thereof.
Ibid. sec. 14.
354. The "Town of Kensington" is hereby declared to be
the legal successor of the "Mayor and Council of Kensington,"
and shall be entitled to and is hereby vested with all the prop-
erty and rights of every nature whatsoever, belonging to the