[Ch. 790]
service or sewer service for not less than six months, shall be
entitled to vote for the members of said commission. The mem-
bers of said commission shall be elected for a term of one, two
and three years, respectively, and shall serve without compensa-
tion. The members of the commission shall elect one of their
number as chairman. All vacancies in said commission occur-
ring before the next regular election for members of said com-
mission shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, with the
consent of the council, said members holding office only until
the time of said election. The length of the term of service of
the first members of said commission shall be determined as
274. The member receiving the largest number of votes
shall hold office for three years; the second in number, for two
years; the third in number, for one year; and, in case of a tie
vote, the length of service shall be determined by lot.
1910, ch. 366, sec. 5.
275. That the funds realized from the sale of the bonds
authorized in this act shall be applied to the purpose of this
act. They shall be deposited by the clerk and the treasurer of
the town in the Kensington Bank, of the Farmers' Banking and
Trust Company of Montgomery County, or some other banking
institution in Montgomery county designated by said commis-
sion, to the credit of the town of Garrett Park, and subject to
the check of the clerk and treasurer, when countersigned by the
chairman of the Sewerage Commission.
1910, ch. 366. sec, 6.
276. That the said Sewerage Commission shall be author-
ized and empowered to construct and maintain in working
order a sewerage system of the town for the collection, trans-
mission and disposal of sewage from the houses and other
buildings in said town; and the said Sewerage Commission
shall have the power and shall be authorized to determine when
and where and in what order, and under what streets, roads,
lanes and alleys the sewers shall be constructed or laid, and to
make contracts for the construction thereof, and shall have all
power necessary and appropriate for said purposes and for the
accomplishment of all the objects pertaining to the functions
of the said commission as in this act set forth.
Ibid. sec. 7.
277. That the Mayor and council of Garrett Park, for and
on behalf of the said Sewerage Commission, shall have full
power and authority to acquire as the property of the town of
Garrett Park, by purchase, lease, gift or devise, or by con-
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