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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1322   View pdf image
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1322 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 784]

officer or some court of this State or to some game protector of
the State.

SEC. 34Q. It shall be unlawful for any person within this
State or county to wilfully use any such tag or mark described
by this act for the purpose of trapping or carrying any game of
any kind outside of the license preserve within this State or for
the purpose of trapping or carrying a second shipment of game
from any licensed preserve within this State. And it shall be
unlawful to trap, hunt, kill, trespass or shoot and take off any
game birds or any game animals or to drive off and enclose any
game birds or any game animals or to take any eggs or destroy
any nests or the young of any game birds or to bait or destroy
any game birds or any game animals or the young of any game
animals on said game preserves or propagating game farms
unless the person or persons, agent or officers of a corporation
shall have a written permit from the said owner or owners or
corporations or officers of such corporations who are propagating
game birds and game animals on said game preserves or propa-
gating game farms to go on said property and in. any way
destroy any of the game birds or any game animals.

SEC. 34R. Any person or persons or corporation or associa-
tion offending against any of the provisions of sections 34M,
34N, 34O, 34P, 34Q of this article shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any justice
of the peace of said State or county, shall be sentenced to pay a
fine of fifty dollars for each offense and upon failure to pay
same shall be committed to the county jail for a period of sixty
days; one-half of said fine to go to the informer and the other
half to the State Treasurer for the fund known as the State
Game Protective Fund, provided that the party charged shall
be entitled to demand a jury trial before the case is heard by
the justice of the peace, and upon such demand shall be recog-
nized to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court of said
county; if an appeal is taken or a jury trial is demanded, prop-
erty collateral shall be given for appearance in court, not to
exceed over five hundred dollars.

SEC. 2. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the pro
-visions of this act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.

Approved April 15, 1912.


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1322   View pdf image
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