etc., and which land so conveyed contains about one-quarter of
an acre of land, more or less.
71. To the deed and conveyance from Caroline Emmert
unto "The Trustees of Zion Chapel, in Cambridge," a body cor-
porate, of all that tract or parcel of ground and improvements
thereon, situate, lying and being in the town of Cambridge, in
Dorchester county, Maryland, which is more particularly
described in a deed dated the 26th day of August, in the year
one thousand nine hundred and ten, and now of record among
the Land Records of said Dorchester county, Maryland, in
Liber W. L. R. No. 2, folie 417, etc., and which land conveyed
contains less than one acre of land.
72. To the deed and conveyance from Michael Lucas unto
the Trustees of Zion Chapel, in Cambridge, a body corporate,
of all that lot or parcel of ground and improvements thereon,
situate, lying and being in the Town of Cambridge, in Dorches-
ter county, Maryland, which is more particularly described in a
deed dated the 20th day of November, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-six, and now of record among the
Land Records of said Dorchester county, Maryland, in Liber
E. K. No. 10, folio 423, etc., which land so conveyed contains
one-half of an acre, more or less.
73. To the sale, grant and deed of a certain lot of ground,
containing about one acre and six hundred and twenty-five thou-
sandths of an acre of land, more or less, situated at the corner
of the Liberty Turnpike and Montgomery avenue, in Baltimore
county,, from Raphael S. List and Grace E. List, his wife, to
the Most Reverend James Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop
of Baltimore, for the time being, and his successors in the Arch-
episcopal See of Baltimore, according to the discipline and gov-
ernment of the Roman Catholic Church, a corporation sole, by
deed dated June 10th, 1911, and recorded among the Land Kec-
ords of Baltimore county in Liber W. P. C. No. 380, folio 318,
74. To the bequest of $500.00 to the Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Washington, to
be by it held and invested and the income arising therefrom by
it paid to the rector for the time being of the Episcopal Church
located in Barnesville, Maryland, on account of his salary;
and to the legacy of $200.00 to the Maryland Bible Society 'to
be applied to the charitable uses and purposes of said society,
and to the bequest of $50.00 to the Monocacy Cemetery Society
of Montgomery county, all of said bequests contained in the
will of Samuel S. Hays, late of Montgomery county, Maryland.
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