1852, 154; previous, of one year
required, Const, 1864, 170.
REVERSALS, large number of, 1806-
1842, 141. (See also Practice;
REVOLUTION, effect of, on courts,
58-59; military and naval oper-
ations affecting Maryland, 72-
73. (See also Constitutional
Provisions, sub-title, Constitu-
tion of 1776.)
RIDGELY, David, 70.
RIDGELY, James L., 169.
RITCHIE, John, Judge, 173.
ROBINSON, John Mitchell, Chief
Judge, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184
ROBOTHAM, George, Col., 30.
ROGERS, James Lloyd, 49.
ROGERS, William, 40.
RULES OF COURT, time for filing
assignments of errors fixed by,
1712, 37, 42; no other rules of
early court now extant, 42;
rules not formally promulgated
until 1806, 80; revised in 1865,
RUMSEY, Benjamin, Chief Judge,
51, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 85,
97, 98.
ST. MARY'S, seat of County, later
Provincial Court, 3, 4; seat
of Governor and Council as
Court of Appeals, 8.
SALARIES, no separate salaries of
Councillors as judges, 15, 56;
separate salaries for short
time after 1723, 56; amount of,
of Councillors, 1754, 1774, 56;
of judges of Ct. of Appeals,
immediately after Revolution,
64, 67-68; judges of Ct. of Ap-
peals paid in wheat, 1782, 68;
of chancellor and judges of
General Ct., 68; of judges of
Ct. of Appeals increased, 1797,
1799, 77; of associate circuit
judges, 1806, 105; of Chief
Judge of a Circuit, 1806, 105;
of Chief Judge of Ct. of Ap-
peals increased, 1834, 116; of
judges of Ct. of Appeals after
1806, 117; of judges regarded
as low, 1844, 148; of judges of
Ct. of Appeals, 1852, 154; of
judges of Court of Appeals,
1864, 170.
SCHLEY, F. A., 153.
RORES, writ of. (See Writs.)
SCOTT, Gustavus, 49.
SEAL, present adopted, 1783, 77;
of Governor and Council prev-
iously used, 78; of General
Court, 78; re-adopted, 1867,
SENIORITY, 42, 63, 97.
power of Parliament and House
of Lords, 2; doctrine approved
and adopted by Maryland Con-
stitutional Convention of 1776
by majority of one, 59.
SHARPE, Governor, 55-56.
SHAW, Frank T., 180.
SMITH, Robert, Speaker of House
of Burgesses, 1694, 23.
SMITH, Robert, U. S. Arty. Gen,
and Sec. of Navy, 102, 103. •
SPENCE, Ara, Judge, 115, 152.
SPENCE, Thomas A., 178.
SPRIGG, Richard, Judge, 103, 107.
STEELE, I. Nevitt, 198.
STEPHEN, John, Judge, 106, 115,
STEWART, James A., Judge, 178,
STOCKBRIDGE, Henry, Sr., 168, 178.
STOCKETT, J. Schaaf, 182.
TANEY, Roger B., 86, 89, 93, 120,
121, 124, 125, 129, 137, 182,
TECHNICAL ERRORS, reversals for,
141, 142.
TENCH, Thomas, 30, 31.
TERMS OF COURT, of Ct. of Ap-
peals, prior to 1694, during
Assembly time, 8; of Ct. of
Appeals after 1694, twice a
year, 28; of Provincial Ct. and
Ct. of Chancery three times a
year after 1694, 28; Ct. of
Appeals, Act of 1777, c. 15, 61;
Ct. of Appeals, changed to June
and November, 1789, 77; Con-
stitution of 1851, 151; Consti-
tution of 1864, 170; Constitu-
tion of 1867, 176; January term
added, 1886, 186.