212 court of appeals of maryland
from Orphans' Courts, 164; of
Ct. of Appeals to be filed with-
in 3 months of argument,
Constitution, 1864, 168, 170.
ORPHANS' COURTS, established,
1777, 58; appeals from, to Ct.
of Appeals allowed, 1818, 135.
PACA, William, 49, 65, 66, 100.
PAGE, Henry, Judge, 175.
PARLIAMENT, court of last resori,
1, 2.
PEABODY, George, 119.
PEARRE, George A., 178.
PERLMAN, Philip B., 174.
PINKNEY, William, 47, 77, 79, 90,
93, 95, 100, 123, 124, 125, 137.
PLATER, George, 39, 45.
PLATER, George (second of
name), 49.
POLK, William, Judge, 103, 108.
POTTS, Richard, Judge, 79.
PRATT, Thomas G., Governor,
154, 173.
PRECEDENCE, determined by order
of names of judges in joint
commission, 42, 63, 97.
PREROGATIVE COURT, probate juris-
diction, 5; abolished after Rev-
olution, 58.
PRIVY COUNCIL, appeal to, from
Governor and Council, 22;
method of appeal to, 42-43;
judgments of, returned to Ct.
of Appeals, 43.
PROBATE jurisdiction, in secre-
tary to province until 1673," 5;
Prerogative Court, Commissary
General and Deputy Commis-
saries, after 1673, 5; appeal
from Prerogative Ct. to Ct. of
Delegates, 5; office of Commis-
sary General abolished, 1776,
58; Orphans' Courts estab-
lished, 1777, 58; appeal to Ct.
of Appeals allowed, 1818, 135.
PROCEDENDO, writ of. (See Writs.)
PROCEDURE. (See Practice.)
PROPRIETOR, Lord, judicial power
delegated to Governor and
Council, 3; writs in name of,
sembly, 2; original name,
"County Court," 1638-1642, 3;
great court of the Province, 4,
53, 88, 89; jurisdiction of, both
trial and appellate, 4; terms of,
28; identity of personnel with
Ct. of Appeals, 6, 24, 54-55;
name changed to "General
Court" after Revolution, 58;
location of, in Annapolis, 71;
index of proceedings of, by
Thomas Harris, Jr., 111.
PURVIANCE, Robert, 107.
QUYNN, Alien, 68.
QUORUM, Justices of the, 10, 11.
RANDALL, Alexander, 173, 178.
signments of Error.)
RECORDS, Transcripts of, only
transcript sent up, 26; only
single manuscript copies filed
under early practice, 82; rarely
printed prior to 1851, 135; only
one copy filed, 1852, 163; not
always furnished on equity ap-
peals prior to 1854, 163; to
be printed by clerk if not fur-
nished, 164; on appeals from
Orphans' Courts, 164.
REMAND, for new trial on reversal
of judgment for plaintiff, after
1800, 80; without affirming or
reversing, 140.
REPORTER, State, office established,
1852, 157; change in character
of work of, 191-192 .
REPORTS OF CASES, lawyers' notes
prior to published reports, 50-
51; reporters' notes, end of 18th
century to 1851, 51; publica-
tion of, a private venture to
1851, 111-112; Harris & Mc-
Henry's, 111-112; Harris &
Johnson's, 112; Harris &
Gill's, 112; publication of, re-
quired, Constitution, 1851, 151;
completion of Gill's, by Oliver
Miller, 156-157; official, 157.
RESIDENCE, previous, of judge in
district represented not re-
quired prior to 1864, 105-106;
legal, of judges preserved,