ous institutions, whose time and attention is required for the pa-
tients under their charge, to give the time and the arduous labor
that is necessary to insure the highest productiveness of the farm
lands attached to the various State institutions. It will be neces-
sary in the adoption of a plan to have in mind perfect harmony
between the physicians and the Maryland State Board of Agri-
culture, so that the labor of the patients which can be used for
farm work will be controlled by the physicians in charge, and yet
that the greatest number of those who could render service with
benefit to themselves and the plan, will be at all times available
by those in charge of the farm work.
Article 78 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Public
Printer." provides that the Board of Public Works shall adver-
tise and award the contract for the State printing for the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, based upon certain specifications
therein mentioned, namely:
'' Four thousand copies of the Governor's message in
English, five hundred copies of the Governor's message
in German, three thousand copies of the reports of the
Comptroller of the Treasury, one thousand copies of the
reports of the State Treasurer, one thousand copies of
the reports of the Adjutant General, one thousand cop-
ies of the Mine Inspector's report of Allegany County,
two thousand copies of the school reports, one thousand
copies of the reports of the Insurance Commissioner, one
thousand copies of the reports of the Commissioner of
the Land Office, two thousand copies of the reports of
the State Board of Health, two thousand copies of the
reports of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics and In-
formation, one thousand of which shall be distributed by
the Printer to the labor organizations of the State; one
thousand copies of the report of the State Fish Com-
missioners. ''
as well as providing for the regular work for the General Assem-
bly, such as the printing of the daily journals of the Senate and
House, bills, etc.
In addition to this requirement, there are appropriations
providing for the publication of many of the reports above men-
tioned by the respective departments, an unnecessary duplica-