TABLE No. 16—Continued.
Champion Shoe Manufacturing Company.................
24 08
Commercial Printing House .............................
57 70
Carr Shoe Company .....................................
9 35
Cumberland and Westernport Coal Company..............
17 00
Crown Oil and Wax Company ...........................
3 37
Cumberland Building Company ..........................
36 42
Chesapeake City Marine Railway Company ...............
1 28
Cotton Oil and Refining Company.......................
10 36
Crown Cement Lime and Brick Company................
12 07
Consumers' Cigar Company..............................
1 13
Chesapeake Shoe Company..............................
9 42
Charles E. Williar Company .............................
9 88
Chesapeake Gas Light Company.........................
3 40
Citizens' Express Company ..............................
27 99
Climax Stone Crusher Company .........................
Columbia Permanent Savings and Loan Society..........
5 49
Co-operative Store Company, Elkhart Mine..............
6 80
Catoctin Telephone and Telegraph Company..............
Chesapeake Cycle Company ..............................
7 94
Chesapeake Electric Company...........................
29 75
Commonwealth Club of Baltimore .......................
1 33
Conestoga E. L. & P. Co.................................
17 00
Cumberland Foundry and Machine Company..............
20 51
Chesapeake Stove Company .............................
328 89
Consumers' Can Company ...............................
24 75
Columbia Paint Manufacturing Company.................
30 07
Chesapeake Electric and Water Company................
13 72
Citizens' Power and Light Company .....................
8 88
Catoctin Paint Company .................................
2 13
Chevy Chase Land Company............................
612 40
Carroll County E. L. & P. Co...........................
8 88
C. Klank & Sons Company ...............................
32 66
Columbia Building Association ..........................
1 78
Copenhagen Puzzle Company............................
1 60
Clifton Savings Bank .....................................
3 39
Chappel Chemical and Fertilizer Company...............
65 33
Crisfleld Cannning Company..........................
Chesapeake Coal Company ..............................
19 53
Cumberland Improvement and Investment Company.
9 76
Colton & White Manufacturing Company .................
'8 67
Calvert Brick Company.................................
2 36
Church Hill Bank......................................
33 48
Du Brau Art Company ..................................
13 95
Dr. Isaac J. Martin Medicine Company ..................
8 12
Diamond Paint Company................................
70 50
Depro Publishing Company.............................
9 68
Diamond Fruit Company ................................
2 80
Downin Artesian Well and Prospecting Company.........
1 28
Den ton Carriage Works .................................
5 15
Dorchester Standard Publishing Company..............
3 20
Dukehart Manufacturing Company ......................
316 69
David B. Taylor & Co ..................................
26 40
Depositors' Building Association ........................