TABLE No. 16—Continued.
Charlotte Hall Stock Breeders' Association..............
3 38
City and Suburban Realty Company.....................
19 41
Calloway-Bachman Company............................
2 70
Calloway-Bachman-Aphley Company.....................
4 96
Crawford Lumber Company .............................
27 13
Cumberland Valley Spoke and Bending Company.........
28 13
Cherrv Capsule Company ...............................
Chesapeake Embroidery Manufacturing Company.........
124 56
Citv Cab Company ......................................
26 04
City Coal Company.....................................
5 46
Consolidated Amusement Company......................
37 98
Crown Confectionery and Tobacco Company..............
6 51
Central Construction and Decorating Company ...........
Crisfield Agency Real Estate and Insurance Company.....
Cumberland Vinegar and Yeast Company................
19 61
Conroy Manufacturing Company.........................
24 80
Cleveland-Moyer Company ...............................
3 88
Cambridge Gas, Electric Light and Power Company......
163 13
Clinton Permanent Building and Loan Association......
Crystal Candy Company ................................
41 67
C. R. Disharoon Company ................................
55 80
Chesapeake Addressing Company........................
8 14
Cardiff Green Marble Company ..........................
5 43
Crawford County Cigar Company........................
C. A. Gambrill Manufacturing Company..................
345 75
C. D. Pruden Company ..................................
71 25
College Skirt and Cloak Company, Inc ....................
6 20
Charles J. F. Steiner Mantel Company...................
101 45
C. W. Pacy Company, Inc................................
6 20
Canton Iron and Steel Works ...........................
15 50
Citv and Suburban Savings and Loan Association.........
Consolidated Ferry Company ............................
1 55
Chestnut Hill Building and Loan Association.............
Columbia Amusement Company........................
City Ice Company of Baltimore .........................
341 00
Cumberland Light Fixture Company....................
Cove Contracting Company ..............................
15 50
Courtney Drug Company ................................
2 38
Centreville Observer Publishing Company................
12 40
Chesapeake Stamp Company.............................
1 15
Cecil Calvert Press ......................................
13 95
Crown Grocery Company ................................
3 26
Central Chemical Company...............................
43 40
Camden Timber Company ..............................
4 65
Connecticut Pie Company ................................
15 50
C. B. Seal Company.....................................
1 01
Chestertown Gas Company ..............................
9 61
Collman Tochterman Company..........................
7 02
Centreville Creamery Company..........................
12 40
Charles Fehrmann Company ............................
2 76
Citizens' National Bank, Pocomoke City..................
77 12
Cumberland Savings Bank..............................
38 04
Cutinol Drug Company .................................
3 40
Chandlee Fence Company...............................
5 61
Cumberland Iron Works and Drydock Company..........
310 62
Cecil Fire Brick Company ...............................
120 85