tributed being $1,303,855.00, or a sum less by $107,835.86
than the year previous. In that year, while the State tax for
public schools was only 12 1/2 cents on each $100, neverthe-
less the Legislature of 1.908, Chapter 254, made a direct ap-
propriation of $206,250 in addition thereto, in order that no
loss of revenue should occur. This heavy charge against the
Treasury proper, however, could not be maintained in justice
to other demands upon, the State. Therefore, the last General
Assembly, with wisdom, in my judgment, fixed the State school
tax for the year 1911 at 16 1/8 cents, producing a sum sufficient
to maintain a generous revenue, more than ever before, when
its full effect will be in force. This was not possible during
the fiscal year just closed, because the school year ended on
June 15th, at which time the Comptroller is directed, to make
his fourth or final school distribution, and since the counties
did not make returns into the Treasury under the new levy
until long after that period, viz: August, September and Octo-
ber, the school year ending June 15th, 1911, could not there-
fore reap the benefit of such collections. Hence, the large
balance brought down October 1st, 1911, $701,911.97, for
which the schools received clue benefit on October 10th, by a
disbursement of $465,125.00, the largest sum ever disbursed
at this period.
In my judgment, the General Assembly should not decrease
this tax but let it remain as it is because it will afford a
definite basis upon which the school authorities of this State
may 'rely and under the new increased basis of assessment will
yield a most generous support.
The condition of this fund will be found in Statement
"H," the receipts being $58,386.66 with an expenditure of
$'58,265.61, leaving a cash balance on hand of $121.05. This
does not .represent, however, the true condition of this fund as
to its expenses, for the reason that the revenues accruing to the
same during the fiscal year were not sufficient for its main-
tenance and has been a source of much embarrassment to the
Treasury officials. Consequently, the salaries and necessary
expenses of the State Fishery Force for the.months of July,