Brought Forward....................................
$2,398,067 74
Public Highways.........................................
Chap. 225 of 1904............
146,683 40
Peninsula General Hospital..............................
' 810 of 1906..............
7,500 00
Printing Sample Ballots..................................
' 818 of 1906..............
573 00
Printing Records and Briefs in State Cases...............
' 163 of 1896..............
287 00
Postage for Departments.................................
818 of 1906..............
1,776 00
Provident Hospital and. Free Dispensary, Baltimore City..
' 810 of 1906..............
1,500 00
Public Printing..........................................
Chaps. 809 and 818 of 1906.....
2,900 00
Publishing List of Defaulters............................
' 818 of 1906..............
201 65
Publishing Public General Laws.........................
' " "
16,800 00
Painting and Repairs to State Buildings, Annapolis.......
' 809 of 1906..............
1,608 00
Public School Tax — Free Public Schools..................
Chaps. 584 of 1904 and 818 of 1906
$1,150,368 26
" " ' State Normal School — White ..........
" " " "
20,000 00
" " ' State Normal School — White, repairs of
" " " " "
1,000 00
" " ' State Normal School— Colored ........
" " " " "
2,000 00
" " ' State Board of Education — Expenses of
3,000 00
" " " Superintendent Public Education, Sal
ary ...............................
194 of 1902
3,000 00
" " " Superintendent Public Education,
Traveling Expenses ................
" " " " "
500 00
" " " Superintendent Public Education, Of-
fice Expenses.......................
" " " " "
1,000 00
" " " Assistant Superintendent Public Edu-
cation, Salary.....................
Chaps. 356 of 1906 and 494 of 1908
1,620 14
" " " Washington College, Normal Dep't. . . .
" 584 of 1904 and 818 of 1906
4,500 00
" " Frostburg Normal School............
" " " " "
7,000 00
1,193,988 40