Maryland Line Confederate Soldiers' Home ...............
Chap. 810 of 1906..............
12,000 00
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, account Liquor
Licenses ..............................................
Chaps. 243 of 1890, 86 of 1894
and 464 of 1900..............
753,237 14
Maryland Asylum and Training School for Feeble Minded
Chaps. 562 of 1894, 818 of 1906
and 89 of 1908...............
60,000 00
Maryland State Fireman's Association ....................
Chap. 46 of 1906..............
1,000 00
Maryland Lying-in Hospital, Baltimore City..............
810 of 1906..............
3,000 00
Maryland Naval Militia..................................
818 of 1906..............
10,000 00
Maryland Homeopathic Hospital and Free Dispensary.....
810 of 1906..............
5,000 00
Mayor of Annapolis......................................
818 of 1906..............
600 00
Maryland Monument Commission.........................
539 of 1906..............
2,546 89
Manual Training and Industrial Schools..................
273 of 1898..............
45,000 00
Maryland Academy of Sciences...........................
810 of 1906..............
500 00
Maryland Home for Friendless Children..................
" "
500 00
Maryland Board of Pharmacy............................
615 of 1908..............
600 00
Maryland Manual .......................................
240 of 1900..............
1,500 00
Maryland Calendar of Wills..............................
404 of 1904..............
450 00
Maryland State Horticultural Society.....................
Chap. 387 of 1906..............
2,000 00
Maryland School for Boys ...............................
" 818 of 1906..............
20,000 00
Militia .................................................
Chaps. 89 of 1896, 818 of 1906
and 103 of 1908..............
61,890 57
Miscellaneous Appropriations.............................
Chaps. 809 and 818 of 1906.....
750 00
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium.......................
Chap. 308 of 1906..............
93,000 00
National Junior Republic................................
810 of 1906..............
1,000 00
Northeastern Dispensary.................................
" " . .
1,000 00
North East Day Nursery.................................
" "
500 00
Nursery and Child's Hospital ............................
" "
2,500 00
Oblate Sisters of Providence .............................
" "
1,000 00
Office Expenses of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals......
163 of 1896..............
1,057 96
Oyster Fund.............................................
Chaps. 380 of 1900 and 90 of 1908
87,344 01
Pensions ................................................
" 818 of 1906 and 373 of 1908
230 00
Peninsula Horticultural Society..........................
360 of 1906............
500 00
Carried Forward ....................................
$2,398,067 74