Northern Central Railway Company........
Oyster Fund — From Clerks of Circuit Courts
of Kent, Talbot and Queen Anne's Counties
1,900 00
202,500 00
Oyster Fund Sale of Sloop "Nannie Merry-
man." ..................................
50 00
1,950 00
Oyster Fines .............................
7,571 34
Penalty on Corporations...................
255 72
State Loan of 1902 ........................
400,000 00
State Hay Scales ..........................
408 54
State Wharves ...........................:
1,323 08
State Wharves from Tobacco Warehouses. . . ,
1,345 42
2,668 50
Sale of Code of Public General & Local Laws. .
462 00
State Tobacco Warehouses ..................
10.000 00
State Geological and Economic Survey.....
16 40
Sale of the Laws of Maryland ..............
17 50
Springfield State Hospital .................
1,030 76
Taxes — Public School from Collectors ......
663,047 77
School Book, from Collectors .......
114,182 72
Outstanding Debt, from Collectors.
185,411 00
Penitentiary Loan, from Collectors. .
35,875 81
State Loan of 1902, from Collectors.
35,498 32
State Bldg. & Imp. Loan from Col-
lectors ...........................
34,846 45
Insane Asylum Loan from Collectors
8,206 29
Defence Redemption Loan, from Col-
lectors ..........................
111 02
Exchange Loan of 1886, from Col-
lectors ..........................
30 13
Treas. Relief Loan, from Collectors. .
5 19
1,077,214 70
Public School, from Incorp. Insti'ns
58.400 16
School Book, from Incorp. Insti'ns. .
9,831 40
Penitentiary Loan, form Incorp. In-.
stitutions ....................... :
2,885 19
State Bldg. & Imp. Loan, from In-
corp. Institutions ...............
2,873 79
Outstanding Debt Loan, from Incorp.
Institutions .....................
16,052 12.
State Loan of 1902, from Incorp. In-
stitutions .......................
3,873 30
Insane Asylum Loan, from Incorp.
Institutions .....................
700 58
94,616 54
Tax on Civil Commissions .................
4,987 95
" Commissions of Extr's and Admtr's.
43,635 14
" Collateral Inheritances ............
83,780 25
Protests .......................... ;
1,524 00
Gross Receipts of Corporations.....
297,466 34
Mortgages ........................
Total Receipts.......................
$3,631,259 48
Balance in Treasury proper, Sept. 30, 1901 .
972,412 91
Total ..............................
$4,603,672 39