Annapolis Water Company.................
$2,100 00
Balto. & Fredericktown Turnpike Co.......
192 50
Bonus on Corporations....................
12.378 47
Charter Fees from Foreign Corporations. . . .
1,384 05
Excess of Fees of Office ....................
64,884 43
Farmers' National Bank of Annapolis......
3,717 60
Franchise Tax ...........................
38,707 83
Fines and Forfeitures.....................
12,199 66
Franchise Tax on Charter Rights ............
312 50
General Measurers and Inspectors, of Oysters
37,234 23
Interest on Personal Accounts.............
22,138 94
Interest on Deposits......................
14,088 62
Interest on Deposits Balto. City Collector. .
369 54
Insurance — Return Premium ..............
88 73
Land Office ...............................
1,963 70
Licenses — Auctioneers ....................
3,209 50
Billiard Table ..................
6,202 51
Brokers ........................
21,059 03
Cigarette .......................
6,495 07
Club ...........................
47 50
Exhibition .....................
3,778 88
Fishery, Chesapeake Bay........
109 82
Gangers .......................
99 00
" Hay Hucksters and Hay Commis-
sion ..........................
148 50
Hawkers and Pedlers..........
1,849 90
High Liquor — Baltimore City....
587,235 03
And Tax on Insurance Companies
173.084 46
" Ordinary .......................
32.404 24
Oyster House ..................
22,532 55
Oyster Canners and Packers .....
4,680 56
Race and Fishery...............
3 80
Stevedore ......................
165 01
Traders ........................
184,638 35
Traders' Liquor.................
10,829 56
To Dredge for Oysters...........
40,960 08
To sell Commercial Fertilizers...
8.205 00
" Tongs and Scrape ...............
12,229 08
Maryland Agricultural College .............
3,478 30
Maryland Hospital for the Insane..........
4,112 76
Maryland Penitentiary ....................
29,199 00
Military Emergency Fund .................
6,578 32