Jan. 6th ...
A. S. Abell Co............. ......
Publishing State's balances in banks....................
2 55
" " '. .
J. S. M.Basil......................
Ice for Treasury Department, December ...................
5 40
" " , .
H. J. Hopkins.....................
Trip to Baltimore and Cambridge, State's business........:
22 47
" 21st ..
H. P. Orem......................
Expenses two trips to Baltimore, " " .........
4 25
U I-
J. P. W. Dorman Co ..............
Sundry stencil supplies ...................................
10 38
" " . .
J. W. Adams . ....................
Extra services in matter of Public Records...............
35 00
" 27th . .
J. H. Medairy & Co . . ............
Blank Books, Stationery, etc., Treasurer's Office ..........
195 80
" " . .
John Z. Bayless ...................
Expenses trip to Baltimore, State's business ...............
2 00
Feb. 1st . .
James E. Crew ....................
Janitor and Messenger to the Treasury Department, Jan. .
23 06
" "
James E. Crew ....................
Washing Towels, Treasury Department, one quarter ......
5 00
" 4th ..
C. C. Fulton & Co .................
Publishing State's balances in banks.....................
2 50
" "
" Evening News" Publishing Co. .
Publishing State's balances in banks................ ..
2 50
" "
Jos. S. M. Basil...................
Ice for Treasury Department, January.....................
5 20
" "
J. W. Adams ......................
Extra services in matter of Public Records .................
25 00
" ''
John Z, Bayless ...................
Expenses trip to, Baltimore, State's business................
2 00
" 11th . .
A. S. Abell Co.....................
Publishing State's balances in banks ......................
2 55
.; "
J. W. Adams .......................
Extra services in matter of Public Records .................
130 00
" 17th ..
George W . Jones ..................
Subscription to "Baltimore Herald," Comptroller's Office.
3 00
" " . .-
"Daily Record " Co ...............
Subscription to "Daily Record," State Tax Commissioner's.
Office ............................... . . ................
3 00
" 25th . .
John P. Beall :....................
Janitor to State Tax Commissioner's Office, January.......
5 00
" "
T. S. Buck ........................
Sundry stamps and supplies ..............................
21 90
Men. 1st...
James E. Crew ....................
Janitor and Messenger to Treasury Department, February
25 00
" 4th . .
Ridout Brothers.................
Sundries for State Tax Commissioner's Office...............
" "
Ridout Brothers...................
Sundries for Treasurer's Office ............................
3 00
" "
John P. Beall.............. ......
Janitor to State Tax Commissioner's Office, February .....
5 00
" "
"Anne Arundel Advertiser ".......
Printing blanks, etc., Tax Commissioner's Office ...........
38 00
" "
Jog. S. M. Basil..................
Ice for Treasury Department, February . . ................
5 00
" "
Western Union Telegraph Co......
Messages, use Comptroller's Office ..........................
1 63
" "
C. C. Fulton & Co.................
Publishing State's balances in banks.......................
2 63
" "
John B. Flood.....................
Ice for State Tax Commissioner's Office, nine months ......
11 80
Mch. 10th . .
A. S. Abell & Co...............
Publishing State's balances in banks .....................
2 70
" "
C. C. Fulton & Co.................
Subscription to "Baltimore American," State Tax Com-
missioner's Office .......................................
3 00
Mch. 17th..
J. H. Medairy & Co..............
Blank books and stationery for State Tax Comm'r's Office.
88 50