TABLE NO. 20.— Continued.
To Whom Paid.
On What Account.
Nov. 11th . .
Jos. S. M Basil...... ......
..... Ice for Treasurer's Office for October.....................
$2 60
" "
John P. Beall ...............
......Janitor to Tax Commissioner's Office, October .............
5 00
" "
John E. McCusker .........
..... Repairs, etc., Treasury Department ........................
4 12
" 23rd..
A S. Abell Co...........
. . . . Subscription to " Sun ".....................................
6 00
" "
John Z. Bayless ........... .
..... Expenses trip to Baltimore, State's business ...............
1 80
" "
W. M. Holladay .............
..... Printing for Treasurer's Office............................
9 00
" "
Robert P. Graham ..........
..... Telegrams, etc , use of State..............................
7 50
Dec. 1st . .
Jas E. Crew.................
. . . . . Janitor and Messenger to Treasury Department, November
25 00
4. "
United States Express Co . .
. .... Freight on Packages, use of Comptroller's Office.........
" 10th ..
A. S. Abell Co...............
..... Publishing State's balances in banks.......................
2 55
" "
C. C. Fulton & Co...........
..... Publishing State's balances in banks.......................
2 63
" "
John P. Beall .............
...... Janitor to Tax Commissioner's Office, November...........
5 00
" "
Mrs. M. Boessel ..............
..... Repairs to clock, etc., Comptroller's Office .................
8 25
" "
Jos. S. M. Basil............
..... Ice for Treasury Department, November...................
o 20
" "
Adams Express Co ...........
..... Freight on Packages, use of Comptroller's Office...........
4 30
" "
C C. Fulton & Co...........
..... Subscription to " Baltimore American,'' Comptroller's Office
3 00
" "
James E. Crew ..............
...... Cleaning Carpets, Furniture, etc .......................
10 00
Dec. 13th . .
John Z Bayless .............
..... Expenses trip to Baltimore, State's business................
2 00
" 22nd..
James E. Crew ........... . .
..... Janitor and Messenger to Treasury Department, October. .
25 00
" "
P. H. Williams ..............
. . . . . . |Expenses two trips to Baltimore, State's business..........
3 50
" 31st ..
John P. Beall................
..... Janitor to Tax Commissioner's Office, December ..........
5 00
" "
James E. Crew ...........
..... Washing windows and cleaning Treasurer's Office.........
5 00
Jan 6th . .
Chesapeake & Potomac 'Phone
Co, Exchange rental to March 31, 1898, to Treasury Department
50 00
" "
Frank A. Monroe............
..... Uniform for Janitor Treasury Department.................
17 00
" "
Gilbert & Musterman. ......
.... .Sundries, Comptroller's Office .........................
1 15
" "
C. C. Fulton & Co. .........
. . . ...Publishing State's balances in banks. .....................
2 50