TABLE NO. 12—Continued.
Pacific Fire Insurance Company, N. Y...................
402 67
Phoenix Assurance Company, London, Eng......................
769 01
Provident Savings Life Assurance Society, N.Y................
275 86
Phoenix Insurance Company, Brooklyn, IS". Y..................
896 74
Providence Washington Insurance Co., Providence, R, I....
795 82
People's Fire Insurance Company, Manchester, N. H.........
354 94
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, Phila...................
850 21
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Phila., Penn.........
2,084 30
Preferred Mutual Accident Association, N. Y....................
347 29
People's Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co., Phila,, Penn....
412 84
Provident Life and Trust Company, Phila,, Penn..............
4,168 68
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn.........
416 91
Prudential Insurance Company of America.......................
2,543 61
Prussian National Insurance Company, Stettin, Germany..
250 00
Queen Insurance Company, England................................
189 48
Queen Insurance Company of America, N. Y....................
443 32
Reading Fire Insurance Company, Reading, Penn............
411 34
Reliance Insurance Company, Phila,, Penn......................
407 21
Rochester German Insurance Company, Rochester, N. Y...
436 89
Roval Insurance Company, Liverpool, England................
1,282 42
Reliance Marine Insurance Company, Liverpool, Eng........
395 99
Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., Edinburg, Scotland.
512 01
Sun Insurance Office, London, Eng..................................
779 77
Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Springfield, Mass......
624 02
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., St. Paul., Minn...
558 85
Spring Garden Insurance Co., Phila,, Penn.......................
404 76
Sea Insurance Co., Liverpool, England..........................
348 04
Standard Life and Accident Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich...
510 43
State Mutual Life Insurance Co., Worcester, Mass..............
831 65
Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., Liverpool, ...............
476 61
Traveller's Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn........................
550 08
Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co., Hamburg, Germany.......
352 81
Traders Insurance Company, Chicago, Ill..........................
398 60
Teutonia Insurance Company, New Orleans, La.................
342 49
Union, Insurance Company, Phila,, Pa.............................
435 82
United Fireman's Insurance Company, Phila,, Penn.........
Union Marine Insurance Company, Liverpool, Eng......
391 58
738 28
United States Life Insurance Company, N. Y....................
768 27