TABL.E NO. 12—Continued. .
Lion Fire Insurance Company, London, Eng.....................
$ 408 25
Lumbermen's Insurance Company, Phila., Pa.....................
London Assurance Corporation, England.......................
429 36
898 81
Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Company, N. Y..................
330 75
Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Co., England........
1,086 08
Lancashire Insurance Company, Liverpool, Eng................
529 68
London and Lancashire Insurance Co., England................
634 24
Merchant's Insurance Company, Newark, N. J.................
689 38
Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Co., N. Y....................
342 35
Merchants' Insurance Company, Providence, R. I..............
475 46
Mannheim Insurance Co., Mannheim, Germany................
368 87
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, K. Y.............................
338 71
Mercantile Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Boston, Mass...
342 23
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, N. Y.....................
8,402 99
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., N. J............................
1,683 30
Manhattan Life Insurance Company, N. Y........................
672 75
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Ca,, Springfield, Mass........
647 48
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Insurance Co., N. Y..................
1,653 22
Mechanics' Insurance Company, Phila., Pa...................
392 78
Manchester Fire Insurance Co. Manchester, Eng...............
391 12
Mechanics' and Traders' Ins. Co., New Orleans, La...........
333 19
Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co., Detroit, Mich....................
721 42
Mutual Life Insurance Company, N. Y.............................
4,391 47
North British and Mercantile Ins. Co., London, Eng.........
597 81
New York Bowery Fire Insurance Company, N. Y............
National Fire Insurance Company, Harford, Conn............
Northwestern National Insurance Co., Milwaukee, Wis......
391 14
429 77
377 12
New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co., Manchester, N. H......
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Norwich, Eng.......
Niagara Fire Insurance Company, N. Y............................
430 62
716 16
579 12
Northern Assurance Company, London, Eng....................
579 39
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
2,310 33
New York Life Insurance Company, N. Y ........................
3,528 74
National Life Insurance Company, Montpelier, Vt............
New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., Boston, Mass......
Northwestern Masonic Aid Association of Chicago............
687 43
716 12
1,391 91
New York State Glass Insurance Company, N. Y...............
303 35
Orient Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn......................
413 62
Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn............
609 82