Brought forward...........................................
$18,043 49
Converted 5 per cent, stock per ch. 41 of 1847, for in-
terest accrued...................................................
59 06
Treasury Relief Loan, for interest accrued...............
1,627 50
Amount transferred from the Treasury proper for the
purchase of stock, as per Chapter 383 of 1884. .........
35,169 95
$54,900 00
During the Fiscal Year 1886 the Treasury Officers pur-
chased for this Fund the following stocks:
$2,420.00 Maryland State Loan, the cost of the same
beinp .............................................................
2,650 00
50,000.00 Exchange Loan for 1886, the cost of the
same being......................................................
52,250 00
54,900 00
For the Redemption of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum
Loan, and the Maryland Hospital Loan :
Balance to the credit of said Funds Sept. 30tb, 1885 ....
179 25
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1886 to the
credit of these Funds the sum of $31,028.87 from the
following sources :
Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Bonds — for interest accrued
$21,960 00
Maryland State Loan " " "
1,253 40
Maryland Hospital Loan ' " "
7,641 00
Treasury Relief Loan " " "
174 38
Amount transferred from Treasury Proper for the pur-
chase of stocks as per Ch. 383 of 1884 ....................
150 72
31,179 50
During the Fiscal Year 1886, the Treasury officers pur-
$31,358 75
chhsed for theae Funds the following stocks:
$30,500.00 Maryland Hospital Loan, the cost of same
being. ............................................................
$30,500 00
586.00 Defence Redemption Loan, the cost of same
being ..........................................................
638 75
200.00 Baltimore Ciiy 6 per cent, stock, the cost of the
same being......................................................
220 00
$31,358 75
For the redemption of the Defence Redemption Loan:
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1886, to the
credit of this Fund the sum of $25,317.74 from the
following sources :
Cincinnati, Washington and Balto. R. R. Bonds, for in-
terest accrued ....................................................
3,240 00
Maryland Hospital Loan, for interest accrued ............
7,950 00
Converted 5 per cent. Stock " " " ............
722 30
Treasury Relief Loan " " " ............
1,395 00
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Bonds " " ............
118 13
Baltimore City 5 per cent, stock, for interest accrued...
5,000 00
Coupon Bonds, per Ch. 275 of 1870, " " "
292 50
Coupons from Sterling Bonds, " " "
640 21
State Stock, Ch. 275, 1870, "
1,755 00
Carried forward............................... . ....
$21,113 14