Brought For ward........................................
$33 860 77
$76,561 33
Kent County ......................................................
1,635 60
Montgomery County............................................. .
2,655 68
Prince George County.............................................
1,742 49
Queen Anne's County.......................................
1,816 68
Saint Mary's County.............................................
1,320 92
Somerset County................................................
1,559 43
Talbot County.......................................................
2,084 16
Washington County................ . .............................
2,327 20
Wicomico County.............................................
1,703 47
Worcester County.............................................
1,634 46
The Indigent Blind.................................................
16,341 66
68.682 52
Balance to credit of the "Free School Fund," Sep-
tember 30th, 1886.......................................
$7,878 81
Balance to the credit of "General Sinking Fund"
September 30th, 1886.................................
$0 24
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1886, to
the credit of this Fund, the sum of $11,074.70 from
the following sources :
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan — for interest accrued...
1,164 38
Defence Redemption Loan " " "
2,317 76
Maryland Hospital Loan " " "
603 00
Maryland State Loan " " "
5,476 80
State 6 per cent. Stock, (quarterly,) " "
1 512 76
Amount transferred from Treasury Proper (or the pur-
chase of Stock, as per Ch. 383 of 1884.................
1,825 06
$12,900 00
During the Fiscal year 1886, the Treasury officers pur-
chased for this Fund the following stocks, to wit :
$4,000.00 Treasury Relief Loan, the cost of the same
4,400 00
2,420. 00. Maryland State Loan, the cost of the same
being ............................................................
2,625 00
3,500.00 Exchange Loan of 1886, the coat of the samf
being ............................................................
3,675 00
2,000.00 Baltimore City 6 per cent, stock, the cost o
same being ......................... ..........................
2,200 00
12,900 00
For Redemption of the Treasury Relief Loan :
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1886, to the
credit of this Fund, the sum of $19,730.05 from the
following sources :
Coupon bonds issued under ch. 275 of '70, for int. accruec
292 50
StateStock " " " " "
2,439 08
Defence Redemption Loan, '
474 50
Maryland Hospital Loan, '
3,715 69
Maryland State Loan, '
11,031 00
State 6 per cent, stock, (quarterly,) '
90 75
Carried forward........................................
$18,043 49