South Wolf Street Building Association, Baltimore.....................
" " " No. 4, Baltimore..........
" " " No. 5, " ..........
St. James' Savings Institution, B i!'o. .......................................
Scott Si. Permanent Building Assn., Balto ........ .....................
South Balto. Mutual Permanent Loan asd Savings Association....
Susquehanna Steamboat Company, Balto.................................
Standard Can Company, Bnlto. ................................................
Sea World Pub'g Company, Balto............................................
Sherwood Distilling Company, Baltimore .................................
Stickney Iron Cotnpanv, Baltimore.........................................
Savings Bank, Baltimore. .......................................................
Susquehanna Water-Power ana Paper Company, Harford Co.......
Scott's Manufacturing Company, Balto. .............................
Standard Heat and Light Company, Balto ................................
Specialty Manufacturing Company, Balto .................................
St. James' Savings Fund, Balto..............................................
Taylor Manufacturing Company, Westminster, Carroll Co............
Third German Building Association of Cumberland, Allegany Co...
Teutonia Savings Association, Baltimore................................
Teutonia Building and Savings Association, No. 6, Baltimore......
Third German American Building Association, Baltimore............
Trappe Building Association of Talbot County.........................
Talbot County Paper Mills Company, Talbot county..................
Tunis Gang Flooring-Machine Company, Balto.........................
Union Glass Company, Baltimore...........................................
United German Bank, Baltimore.............................................
Union Mining Company of AHegany County.............................
Union Pile Works, Balto.........................................................
Union Turnpike Road Company, Montgomery Co. ......................
Union Oyster Company, Baltimore..........................................
United Suites Electric Light Company, Baltimore......................
Uncle Sam Loane and Saving Company, Balto .......... ...............
Ulman Goldsborough Company, Baltimore...............................
Viaduct Manufacturing Company, Balto....................................
Washington Fire Insurance Company, Balto.............................
Workingmen's Permanent Building and Loan Association, Easton.
29 04
16 00
50 60
10 12
3 81
63 88
28 12
24 14
13 12
7 59
286 50
403 74
195 00
41 25
9 38
15 00
24 82
270 27
411 92
20 90
29 60
208 03
76 65
31 88
18 71
63 16
419 40
800 25
45 56
15 46
8 88
28 14
4 50
96 58
33 61
1,692 60
Talbot Co.........................................................................
Workingmen's Building Association of Cumberland. .........
Waesche Building Association of Baltimore. ............................
Washington Turnpike Compan.v, Frederick Co...........................
Waverly Mutual Permanent Lund, Loan and Building Association,
60 16
115 92
197 00
41 16
William Tell Building Association "G, " Baltimore.....................
Withers' Mining Company. Allegany County............................
Williamport and HagErstown Turnpike Road Co., Washington Co.
Washingon, Colesville and Ashton Turnpike Co., Montgomery Co.
7 14
3 97
22 78
129 52
9 93