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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE NO. 18.—Continued.

Brought forward............................................................

$100,725 42

Pine Street Loan and Building Association, Baltimore. ..............
Potomac Wharf Company, Allfganv County................ .... ........
Port Deposit Homestead Association of Cecil County.................
Petrus' Building Association No. 6, Baltimore...........................
Pottery Hall Building Association, Baltimore. ..........................
Peabody Heights Co., Balto. .................................................
Patent Safety Extinguisher Lamp Co., Balto.............................
People's Pussenger Railway Co., Balto. ..................................
Providentia of Baltimore.......................................................
Potomac Steam1 ou Company, Balto......................................
Potomac Lock & Dock Co, Montgomery County........................
Popplien Silicted Phosphate Company, Balto............................
Potomac Fire Insurance Company, Balto. ..................................
Pimlico & Pikesville Railroad Company....................................
Perseverence Perminent Building and Loan Company, Baltimore...
Peabody's Savings Bank, Baltimore........................................
Powhattan Steamboat Company,
People's Bank, Balto. ............................................................
Queen City Perpetual Building Association, Cumberland. ............
Queen City Savings Bank, Cumberland, Allegany Co..................
Ritchie Company, Baltimore. ................................................
Rose Hill Cemetery Assiciation of Hagerstown, Washington Co....
Rising Sun Building and Loan Association, Cecil Co...................
Rothschild Building Association No. 10, Baltimore..................
Rothschild " " No. 11, " .....................
Rothschild " " No. 12, " .....................
Ridgely " " u .....................
Robert Emmett Perpetual Building Association, Baltimore. ..........
" " " " " No. a, Baltimore.
Relief Building Association, Baltimore....................................
Rapid Messenger Dist. Tel. Company, Balto..............................
R. D. Johnson Milling Company, Allegany Co. ..........................
Rialto Guano Company, Balto................................................
Spruce Hill Coal Company, Allegany County.............................
Swanton Mining Company, Allegany Couuty..............................
Santa Clara Mining Association, Balto. ....................................
South Sharp Street Concordia Building Association No. 3, Balto...
South Baltimore Mutual Loan and Savings Association................
South Fremont Street Loan and Savings Company, Baltimore...
St. James Hall Building Association No. 5, "
St. Tames Hall " " No. 6, "
St. James Hall " " No. 7, "
St. James Hall " " No. 8, "
Sycamore Permanent Building and Savings Association No. 1,

18 86
56 25
183 30
37 07
12 27
64 60
58 68
8 53
2 16
234 37
75 00
85 74
79 88
89 10
9 52
189 10
107 32
772 17
186 20
94 37
155 88
471 54
78 18
53 80
9 80
6 90
265 21
51 66
725 00
47 82
14 67
111 92
267 74
887 12
642 37
34 15
97 93
125 25
86 88
66 44
63 68
39 88

Sixth German American Building Association, Baltimore............
'South Sharp Street Workingmen's Saving .Asssociation No. 1,

108 78
58 28


South Sharp Street Workingmen's Savings Association No. 2,

9 69


South Paca Street Building Association ''S," Baltimore..............
South Liberty Street Permanent Building Association, Baltimore.
St. James' Hall Building Association. No. 4, Balto.....................
St. Martin's Permanent Building Association, Baltimore.............
Savings Building Association, No. 7, Baltimore.........................
South Fremont Street Building Association, No. 7, Baltimore......

41 55
29 13
1 38
77 04
25 02
36 54
80 12

Carried forward. ............................................................

$107,802 35



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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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