STATEMENT E—Continued.
The Treasury Officers purchased during the Fiscal Year
1885, for this Fund as follows :
$33,335.00 State Stock issued per ch, 2*75 of '70 the cost
of same being....................................................
55,600.00 Maryland Hospital Loan the cost of same
$34,635 28
being ........................ ...................................
10,000.00 .Trensury Relief Loan the cost of same being
5,000.00 Maryland State Loan " " " " "
55,600 OC
11,437 5C
5,337 50
For the Redemption of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum
Loan, and the Maryland Hospital Loan :
Balance, to the credit of said Funds Sept. 30th, 1884 ...
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1885 to the
credit of these Funds the sum of $142,450.50 from the
following sources :
10,980 00
Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Bonds — for interest atcrued
Maryland State Loan " " "
Maryland Hospital Loan " " "
Amount transferred from Treasury Proper for the pur-
$21,960 00
300 00
3,820 50
chase of stocks as per Ch. 383 of 1884 ....................
116,370 00
Duriner the Fiscal Year 1885, the Treasury officers pur-
142,450 50
chased for these Funds £2,250 Sterling, 5 per cent
Bonds, which have since been cancelled, and a certi
ficate for $10,890.00 of Marylaed State Loan issued
by them to these Funds in lieu thereof the cost of same
153,430 50
being ...............................................................
Also $10,000.00 Maryland State Loan, the cost of same
11,925 00
bting ............................................................
Also $127,350.00 Maryland Hospital Loan, the cost of
10,516 25
same being .......................................................
Also $3,000.00 Treasury Relief Loan, the cost of same
127,350 00
3,456 00
153,251 25
Cash balance to the credit of said Funds Sept. 30, 1885.
179 25
For the redemption of the Defence Redemption Loan:
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1885, to the
credit of this Fund the sum of $319,637.50 from the
following sources :
Cincinnati, Washington and Balto. R. R. Bonds, for in-
terest accrued ....................................................
Converted 5 per cent. Stock " " " ............
Treasury Relief Loan " " " ............
Deaf and Dumb Assylum Bonds " " ...................................
Amount transferred from the Treasury Proper for
the purchase of Stocks and Bonds, as per Ch. 383 of
3,240 00
3,609 60
159 80
675 00
58 13
311,895 67
$319,637 50