STATEMENT E—Continued.
Brought Forward..........................................
Kent County ........................................................
Montgomery County...............................................
Prince George County.............................................
Queen Anne's County.............................................
Saint Mary's County...............................................
Somerset County.....................................................
Talbot County.......................................................
Washington County...............................................
Wicomico County..................................................
Worcester County..................................................
The Indigent Blind.................................................
$34,359 51
1,694 68
2,750 94
1,825 52
1,899 34
1,365 41
1,618 75
2,142 94
2,388 53
1,762 76
1,693 70
15,250 00
$75,972 55
Balance to credit of the "Free School Fund," Sep-
68,752 08
tember 30th, 1885.............................................
Balance to the credit of ''General Sinking Fund"
$7,220 47
September 30tb, 1884.........................................
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1885, to
the credit of this Fund, the sum of $10,185.35, from
the following sources :
$11.381 39
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan — for interest accrued...
Defence Redemption Loan " " "
Maryland Hospital Loan " " "
Maryland State Loan " " "
State 6 per cent. Stock, (quarterly,) " "
1,164 38
2,154 41
603 00
4,750 80
1,512 76
Daring the Fiscal year 1885, the Treasury officers pur-
chased for this Fund £2,500 sterling, 5 per cent. Bonds,
which have since been cancelled, and a certificate for
$12,100.00 of Maryland State Loan, issued by them to
$21,566 74
this Fund in lieu thereof the cost of the same being.....
Also $8,250.00 Defence Redemption Loan, the cost of
$13,250 00
same being .......................................................
8,316 50
Cash Balance to the credit of said Fund September,
21,566 50
30th, 1885.........................................................
For Redemption of the Treasury Relief Loan :
Balance to the credit of said Fund Sept. 30th, 1884......
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1885, to the
credit of this Fund, the sum of $80,814.99, from the
following sources :
$26,195 29
Coupon bonds issued under ch. 275 of '70, for int. accrued
StateStock " " " " " " "
Defence Redemption Loan, " "
Maryland Hospital Loan, " "
Maryland State Loan, " " "
State 6 per cent, stock, (quarterly, ) " "
Converted 5 per cent, stock per ch. 41 of 1847, for in-
232 50
1,000 65
474 50
2,047 69
10,735 80
90 72
terest accrued.....................................................
Treasury Relief Loan, for interest accrued..................
Amount transferred from Treasury Proper for the par-
59 06
1,074 38
chase of Stock, as per Ch. 383 of 1884......................
65,099 69
$107.010 28