ing office in this State at the close of the
fiscal year, was trifling and inconsiderable.
Instituted suits for the collection of
over due taxes in the hands of former col-
lectors and receivers of public moneys,
whereby the receipts were raised above the
average in a season of business depression
and stagnation.
Met all the current expenses of the govern-
ment promptly, and on the 30th day of Sep-
tember 1884, when the books were closed,
the Treasury still contained money for
the use of the State amounting to....... .$837.088.39
With this balance and the Sinking
Funds applicable to the same, the
Treasury Officers propose to pay off the
Mayland Hospital Loan of 1872, amounting
And also in like manner to call in the Deaf
and Dumb Asylum Loan of 1870, amounting
to...................................... .$100,000,00
Making a reduction in the debt of the State
since the 30th day of September 1883,
amounting to............................ $733,888.44
And there will yet remain a sufficient balance with
which we propose not only to make good the Special
Sinking Funds for the Fiscal year just closed, but also
to repair and make whole all the Special Sinking Funds
for the several existing Loans' from the date of their
issue down to the present time.
We believe this to be a very excellent showing, and one
which we hope will satisfy the most exacting tax-payer
that all that could be done, so far as this Department
is concerned, has been done to lessen his burdens.
This, we feel, is all he, asks, for it matters but little so
far as he is concerned, what theory this Department may
have for the raising of revenue, or the liquidation of the
debt of the State, if that theory does not produce results