Legislative printing.....................................................................................
" 432 of 1880.....................
25,800 00
25,800 00
" indexing....................................................................................
" " '' .........
1,650 00
1,050 00
Lying-in Hospital for Indigent Women, Baltimore. .................................. ......
" " "
2.250 00
2,250 00
Maryland Hospital for Insane........................................................................
" " "
11,250 00
11,250 00
Maryland Institute.......................................................................................
3,000 00
3,000 00
Maryland Reports.........................................................................................
" " " .......
4,998 00
4,998 00
" 431 and 432 of 1880.........
12,011 89
12,011 89
Miscellaneous Appropriations -- For Salaries of Night Watchmen of Public Buildings
" " " "
1,200 00
" " " " Keepers of State House Furnaces.......
" " " "
1,150 00
" " " " Keepers of Public Buildings & Grounds
" " " "
1,200 00
" " " " Messenger to Governor and Court of
" " " " City Register and Appeal Tax Court
" " " "
" " " "
1,099 96
450 00
5,099 96
Oyster Fund-- For Salaries.............................................................................
' 198 of 1880....................
27,560 98
" Supplies and Provisions......................................................
" " "
8,045 79
" Advertising.......................................................................
27 90
" Painting Oyster Numbers................................................
" "
631 20
" Costs of suits.....................................................................
" " "
304 72
" Purchase of Sloop...............................................................
2,500 00
39,070 59
" 432 of 1880.....................
520 00
520 00
Pearre Investigation -- Expenses of. .................................................................
" 383 .....................
25 50
25 50
Postage for the Departments .........................................................................
" 432 .....................
840 54
840 54
Publishing List of Defaulters.......................................................................
768 16
768 16
Public Printing -- Comptroller's Report and Report of State Tax Commissioner.......
1,400 00
1,400 00
Repairs to State Normal School.....................................................................
" 431
70 65
70 65
Repairs to State House-- Dome of................................................................
" 406 of 18f8...................
12 75
12 75
" " " Interior of................................................................
" 431 of 1880.....................
9,321 05
9,321 05
Repairs of Eastern Hay Scales at Canton, Baltimore...................................
" " "
200 00
200 00
Registration of the Qualified Voters of the State.............................................
" 22 of 1882.............. ......
7,084 00
7,084 00
Special Appropriations..............................................................................
Acts designated in Table No. 19
24,889 f-9
24,889 59
Sehools-- Free Public-- White.....................................................................
Ch. 377 of '72, and 432 of '80..
425.000 00
" " " Colored.......................................................................
" " " " "
98,000 00
Carried forward.......................................................................
$523,000 00