Acts Authorizing Payments.
Brought forward...............................................................................
Grain Weighing..........................................................................................
Hebrew Hospital and Asylum of Baltimore City. ...............................................
Homo of the Friendless..................................................................................
House of Correction-- Support of....................................................................
" " New buildings, &c..........................................................
Ch. 244 of 1872.....................
" 432 of 1880.....................
" " "
" " "
" 431 " .....................
$4,321 32
1,500 00
3,000 00
25 000 00
9,287 50
$184,380 71
4 321 32
1,500 00
3,000 00
House of Good Shepherd..............................................................................
House of Refuge -- For support of............. . .......................................................
House of Reformation and Instruction for colored children.................................
Improvement of State House grounds and circle ...........................................
Insurance on State House, Furniture and Library..............................................
Inspection of Mines in Allegany and Garrelt Counties.......................................
" 432 ' .....................
" " "
" " "
" 174 1882.....................
" 432 1880....................
" 157 of 1878, and 432 of '80 .
2,000 O0
15.000 00
10,000 00
3 000 00
1,000 00
1,500 00
34,287 50
2,000 00
15,000 00
10,000 90
3,000 00
1,000 00
1,500 00
Interest on the Public Debt -- On Defence Loan....................................................
Sterling Bonds..................................................
Deaf and Dumb Bonds.......................................
Maryland Hospital Loan. ..................................
Maryland State Loan.......................................
Treasury Relief Loan........................................
Exchange and Commission on London......................
" 431 and 432 of 1880.........
" " "
" " "
" " "
" " "
" " "
" " "
" "
199,605 02
212,438 94
50 733 77
13,500 00
27 900 00
63,668 64
30.000 00
22,386 97
Judiciary -- For Salaries of Judges of Circuit Courts.............................................
'' Salaries of Judges of Baltimore City Courts..................................
" Salaries of Judges of Court of Appeals, Attorney General, State Re-
porter, and Crier of the Court of Appeals..............................
" " "
" " "
" " " "
38,503 05
16,625 00
31,887 94
620,233 34
Land Office -- Binding and Indexing Land Records and Extracts of Deeds transferred
87,015 99
from the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals...................
Legislature ............................................................................................
" 257 of 1876....................
" 432 of 1880.............. .
3,156 10
105,846 7,71
3,156 10
105,846 77