Hagerstown and Waynesboro' Turnpike Company.................
Hyde Turbine Soap Company..............................................
Hagerstown Gas Light Company, Washington County ...............
Hagerstown Preserving Company, Washington County...............
Imperial Land and Loan Company...........................................
Improvement Land and Building Association of Frederick...........
Independent " " No. 6, Baltimore......
Industrial Permanent " '' No. 3, " ......
Independent Savings and " " Laurel, P. G. Co.....
Jennings Filter Manufacturing Company, Balto. ........................
Kent Mutual Building Association..........................................
Kenrick Building Association No. 4, Baltimore......................
Kenrick " , " No. 5, " ........................
Kent National Bank of Chestertown.........................................
Kanawha Pump Works Manufacturing Co., Balto.....................
Laurel Building Association, Prince George's County..................
Lake Chrome and Mineral Company.........................................
Light Street Bridge Company...................................................
Log Cabin Permanent Building Association, Baltimore..............
Light Street Building and Savings Association, Baltimore...........
Liberal Building Association, Baltimore....................................
Lexington Monumental Building Association No. 2, Baltimore....
Lloyd Street Mutual Building Association No. 5, Baltimore..........
Loyola Permanent '' " No. 5, " .........
Loyola " " " Baltimore...................
Liberty and New Windsor Turnpike Company..........................
Lloyd Street Building Association, Baltimore. ..........................
Liberty and Pipe Creek Turnpike Road Co...............................
Maryland Soapstone Company...............................................
Maryland Hotel Company, Anaapolis....................................
Manufacturing Company, Washington County...........................
Mutual Life Insurance Company, Allegany County......................
Maryland Coal Company, Allegany County...............................
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Washington County...............
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cecil County........................
Mutual Landlords' Association of Cumberland. ...........................
Mutual Building Association of Elkton, Cecil County..................
Mount Carroll Land Company................................................
Millington Mutual Building and Loan Association, Kent County....
Maryland Land and Permanent Homestead Association, Balto. Co.
Maryland Schillinger Artificial Stone Company, Baltimore. .........
Maryland Permanent Land and Building Society, Baltimore.........
Mutual Benefit Loan Association of Kent County........................
Monumental Steamboat Company, Balto....................................
Madison Avenue Land and Building Association, Baltimore .........
Mutual Aid Building Association of Ellicott City........................
Mechanicatown Building Association of Frederick County............
.Merchants' and Traders' Banking Association, Baltimore............
Maryland Mutual Permanent Building and Loan Company.........
Metropolitan Savings Bank, Baltimore....................................
Mt. Clair Permanent Loan and Building Association...................
Mechanics' Lexington Permanent Bldg. and Loan Asso. No. 6, Bait.
Monumental Permanent Building & Savings Society No. 6, Balto.
Madison Square Building Association No. 1, Baltimore...............
Mechanics' Bail Perpetual Loan and Savings Society, Baltimore...
Maryland Floating Elevator Company, Balto.............................
29 54
16 68
52 73
2 20
244 94
34 86
15 04
15 96
75 00
352 61
343 32
146 25
272 81
3 75
353 52
168 01
399 36
131 25
13 36
161 62
58 54
39 06
109 52
1 35
2 74
39 08
4 94
53 00
339 05
77 00
6 53
2,621 00
75 77
33 45
193 81
867 26
399 60
63 36
329 24
259 24
1,696 88
64 29
27 65
370 71
23 33
33 33
586 32
24 14
656 96
8 36
32 39
7 C5
87 08
208 88
52 31