Granite Roofing Company, Baltimore. .....................................
German Homestead Association, Baltimore City.........................
German Building Association, No. 3, Ellicott City.......................
Greenmount Cemetery Company, Baltimore..............................
German American Bank........................................................
Gardeaville Permanent Loan Association of Baltimore..............
George Schwerein Building Association No. 2, Baltimore...........
German Building and Savings Association No. 4, Baltimore.........
Greenmount Mutual Building Association, Baltimore..................
George Washington Building Association "H," Baltimore..........
George Washington " " "G," " ..........
George Washington " " "P," " ..........
German Savings Association No. 2, Baltimore..........................
Germania Goodwill Building Association, Baltimore..................
German Building and Savings Association No. 5, Baltimore.........
Grant Building Association No. 5, Baltimore.............................
George Washington Building Association "E,"........................
Gaithersburg Mutual Building Association, Montgomery County...
Great Eastern " " No. 6........................
Greencastle and Williatusport Turnpike Company.....................
Goodyear Rubber Company, Baltimore.....................................
Germania Building Association No. 17, Baltimore.................
Germania " " No. 15, " .......................
Gough Street" " No. 6, '' ......................
Germania " " No. 16, " .......................
Gustav Adolph Building and Loan Association, Baltimore...........
German Savings Fund, Baltimore...........................................
German Savings Bank, Baltimore..................... . .....................
German Central Bank, Baltimore............................................
Harnpstead Building Association No. 9, Baltimore......................
Howard Land Company..........................................................
Hagerstown Agricultural Implement Man'fg Company................
Hagertitown Manufacturing Company........................................
Hyattsville Building Company, Prince George's County...............
Harlem Permanent Building Association of Baltimore City..........
Home Building Association of Cumberland................................
Howard County German Building Association No. 3...................
Hancock Building Association No. 1, Washington County. ..........
Hagerstown Steam Engine and Machine Company.......................
Hancock Building and Loan Association, No. 2, Washington Co...
Howard Bank of Baltimore..................................................
Harmony Permanent Loan and Savings Company, Baltimore.......
Howard Relief Building Association Wo. 3...............................
Home Building Association No. 4, Baltimore..............................
" " " No. 5, " ..............................
No. 6, " ..............................
" " No. 7, " ..............................
" " " No. 8, " ..............................
Harrison Permanent Building Association, Baltimore..................
Harrison Building Association No. 9, " ..................
Hampstead " " No. 11, " ..................
Hampstead " " No. 12, " ..................
Harmony Building Association No. 14, Baltimore...................
Harmony " " No. 15, " ..................
Harlem Stage Company, Baltimore.........................................
Homestead Association, " ..........................................
59 43
42 64
44 91
334 73
46 87
98 29
59- 96
39 96.
124 67
19 42
22 00
44 11
107 24
31 42
9 91
51 87
44 61
21 19
31 63
3 16
56 25
22 16
77 12
94 60
78 92
47 84
213 18
12 19
67 40
329 51
898 41
581 09
142 87
5 13
449 52
470 99
17 53
24 70
102 75
29 98
541 56
18 66
30 40
27 30
197 74
54 58
144 34
18 47
44 29
98 79
53 56
124 98
21 62
7 47
83 05
27 00