year ; and from the State Hay Scales $1,759.60, and $467.12
more than the previous year.
The receipts from license and tax upon premiums, paid by
foreign insurance companies during the year, amounted to
$43,355.14, being an increase of $11,235.17 over the receipts
from like sources the previous year.
The payment of bounties for enlistments from this State
in the federal army during the late civil war, commenced in
the year 1864, before the "grim visaged" had ''smoothed his
wrinkled front," and has continued ever since, and I appre-
hend will ever continue, unless the laws authorizing and
directing the payment of these bounties are repealed.
I refer to "Statement M," page 21, of this report, for full de-
tails of the cost to the State of this bounty. The Treasury
has paid during the last year for bounties $10,100.00,
and for clerical service $1,500.00. No claim has been
paid without the closest scrutiny of the proofs presented
through authorized channels. Since the close of the
last fiscal year, even a greater amount has been disbursed
on this account. Certainly by this time all parties entitled
have had sufficient opportunity to establish "and receive their
bounties, and yet many claims, seeking payment under
the law, are unsatisfied. I respectfully, but earnestly, re-
quest that an end be put to these stale demands, and that
the bounty laws be repealed, and the further payment of
bounties be prohibited by this Legislature.
Statement "H" is an exhibit of the receipts and disburse-
ments on account of the "oyster fund" during the year, and
of the balance due that fund of former years. It shows that
the fines collected did not pay the cost of suits in cases when
the parties were acquitted by $68.13, and that the expenses
of the "oyster navy" exceeded the revenues from dredging
licenses and oyster measurers by $12,342 51.
The oyster rocks and shoals of the Chesapeake bay and its
tributaries are the imbedded wealth of the State of Maryland.
Go where you will, in cities, villages and towns; and you
will find hotels, restaurants and oyster saloons supplied with
luxuries from this source, which are being enjoyed and "pro-