Receipts from Sheriffs during the year, amounted to.$5,-
434,21, being an increase over the previous year of $2,790 42.
(See Table No, 12 of each report.) The amount due from
Sheriffs at the end of the year was $28,709.48, being $6,-
857.42 less than it was at the end of the previous year.
(See Table No. 16 of each report.) This reduction has re-
sulted, principally, from allowances for insolvences in set-
Receipts from Clerks of Courts and other sources named in
Table No. 1 during the year, were $442,230.34, being $8,-
641.22, jess than the previous year. There was a decrease
in the receipts from dredging licenses of $6,235.10, and from
oyster fines, $420.61. (See Table No. 1 of each report)
Receipts from Registers of Wills, during the year, were
$126,313.01, being an increase of $44.607.77, over the previ-
ous year. (See Table No. 2 of each report.)
The receipts of the Tobacco Warehouses are set forth in
"Table No. 8," and amounted, during the year, to $101,-
018.85, less by $23,013.18, than the previous year. The
net earnings amounted to $3,874.573 more by $1,247.25,
than the previous year, but not enough by $ 11,125. 43, to
pay the salaries of the supervisor and inspectors. These
were defrayed, less the net earnings, by the Treasury. The
tobacco inspections are a burthen to the State Treasury, not-
withstanding the large amount they living to the warehouses.
As this ought not to be, I must renew the hope, expressed
in my report to the Governor, that this Legislature will
either revise or repeal the whole system.
The receipts from the State Grain Weighing Department,
during the year, were $3,817.17, anil $2,652.08 less than the
previous year. This department is required to be self-sus-
taining, and the receipts were disbursed in salaries to the
Weigher General and his deputies. As nearly all grain
goes to, and is weighed in, the elevators, this seems to be a
department as useless as it is unremunerative to the State or
her officers.
The net earnings to the Treasury from the Live Stock
Scales were $11,771.61, aod $2,139.61 less than the previous