STATEMENT E—Continued.
Brought Forward..........................................
Prioce George County.............................................
Queen Anne's County............................................
Saint Mary's County...............................................
Somerset Couaty....................................................
Talbot Counfrr. ......................................................
Washington County.............................................
Wicomico County..............................................
Worcester County...............................................
The Indigent Blind. ................................................
$39,092 15
1,796 58
1,692 75
1,403 77
1,595 04
1.868 05
2,834 75
1,633 99
1,561 82
13,400 00
$72,659 26
Balance to credit of the "Free School Fund," Sep-
tember 30th, 1879..........................................
66,878 90
$5,780 36
By Balance te the credit of Sinking Fund, as per Re-
port, September 30th, 1878.................................
There was received during: the Fiscal Year 1879, to
the credit of "Sinking Fund," the sum of $7,859 73
from the following sources
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan — for interest accrued...
Maryland Defence Loan " " "
Maryland Hospital State Loan " " "
Maryland State Loan " " "
State 6 per cent. Stock, (old Stock,) " "
$8,215 90
1,164 38
2,415 00
603 00
1,774 20
1,903 15
During the Fiscal Year 1879, the Treasury Officers pur-
chased with the interest accrued to the Stoking Fund,
3,000£ Sterling 6 per cent, bonds, which have since
been cancelled, and a certificate for $14,520.00 of
Maryland State Loan, bearing 6 per cent, interest,
has been issued by them to the Sinking Fund in lieu
thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Gb.
276, of 1872, the cost to the Sinking Fund amount-
$16,075 63
ing to the sum of..............................................
15,750 00
Balance of Cash standing to the credit of said Fund,
September 30th, 1879.......................................
$ 325 63