Receipts and Disbursements of the Free School Fund and
Sinking Fund, and balance to the credit of each Fund,
September 30th, 1879.
On the 30th September. 1878, there retrained in the
Treasury, to the credit of the Free School Fnnd," the
sum of $2,457.60......... . . .....................................
$ 2,457 60
And there was receired, during the Fiscal Year ended
September 30th, 1879, on account of said Fond the
sum of $70,201.66, from the following sources, viz:
From 20 cents Tax on each $100 of the notes in actual
circulation of the following Banks:
Peoples Bank of Baltimore.....................................
Marine Bank of Baltimore ......................................
Bank of Commerce of Baltimore............................
Howard Bank of Baltimore......................................
$ 7 18
28 99
11 07
19 83
67 07
From Dividends on Stocks standing to the credit of the
Treasurer of Maryland, in the following Banks, Yiz :
Farmers National Bank of Annapolis.........................
National Bank of Baltimore.....................................
Central National Bank of Frederick.....................
National Union Bank of Maryland............................
National Mechanics Bank of Baltimore........................
Commercial and Farmers National Bank of Baltimore...
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Baltimore....
Easton National Bank of Easton. ..............................
837 00
C48 00
3,1 92 00
195 75
182 70
1,967 00
164 40
2,793 10
And from —
State 6 per cent, stock...............................„. ........
Baltimore City 6 per cent, stock................................
Preferred Stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad...
Indigent Blind — Transferred as per Ch. 406, of 1878... ,
Surplus Revenue — Transferred " "
530 16
3,469 12
7,086 00
15,000 00
34,069 36
9,979 95
60,144 64
Making an aggregate of..................................
$72659 26
Of this amount there was disbursed, during the Fiscal
Year ended September 30tb, 1879, the sum of
$66,878.90, as follows:
Allegany County..................................................
Anne Arundel County...........................................
Baltimore City......................................................
Baltimore County ................................................
Calvert County....................................................
Caroline County ....................................................
Carroll County......................................................
Cecil County.........................................................
Charles County........................................
Dorchester County..................................................
Frederick County...................................................
Garrett County......................................................
Harford County.....................................................
Howard County....................................................
Kent County ........................................................
Montgomery County...............................................
1,882 94
1,964 17
8,700 57
3,124 55
1,070 72
1,547 48
2,847 17
1,869 02
1,125 77
1,868 68
4,177 03
1,211 94
1,818 02
1,622 57
1,637 73
2,623 89
Carried forward............................................
$39,092 15
$72,659 26