scribed by the Act, and no time is prescribed for the election
from which the term of the office can be inferred, the only
qualification being, that the principal shall not vote upon the
subject of his appointment or removal. The latter provision
would seem to imply a power of removal in the State Board,
but such, power is not expressly given in terms. These com-
ments are made on the Act, for the purpose of showing the
Legislature that it might not be out of place, if more explicit
enactments should be made.
The General Assembly has at each session since, and in-
cluding the session of 1872, appropriated an ascertained
amount to be expended in the maintenance of Free Public-
Colored Schools. As no provision has been at any lime
made for raising any special revenue to defray this expendi-
ture, and as the Act of 1872, Chapter 377, Sub-Chapter
19, Sections 1 and 2, prescribe that the sources of income
for the State distributions to Free Public Schools, shall be
the receipts from the Public School Tax, and the income
of the Free School Fund, these sums have been construed
to be payable only out of such income and receipts.
Statement "M" exhibits in detail the amounts paid for
State Bounties from 1864, to the end of the fiscal year, 1877,
with the Acts of Assembly under which the same have
been paid. The amount expended under this head, during
the fiscal year, is $ 4,800.00.
The amount expended during the fiscal year in payment
of pensions under the several Acts providing for the same,,
was $34,060.00, being less than that expended in 1876, by
the sum of $1,980.00.
The accompanying tables give in detail the receipts into
the Treasury, during the fiscal year, from various sources.
Table "No. 1" exhibits in detail the revenue received
from Clerks of Courts, amounting to the sum of $411,777.97